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Hooks in Extensions

Getting started

The names of all the hook functions follow a pattern:


  1. Review the list of hooks and find the hook that matches your need.
  2. Read the documentation page for that hook
  3. In your extension, create a function replacing hook_ with your extension name, and with the same signature.

So if you were creating an extension called superextension and wanted to do something right after your extension was installed then your function would be:

function superextension_civicrm_install() {
  // do something here

Examples of using hooks

In all of these examples, you'll put the code we provide into your extension. Be sure to upload the file after each change to the appropriate location on your server to see the new code take effect.

Setting Text on a Form

To implement hook_civicrm_buildForm from within the "myextension" extension you would add the following function to your main myextension.php file (or a file always included by that script):

function myextension_civicrm_buildForm($formName, &$form) {
  // note that form was passed by reference
  $form->assign('intro_text', ts('hello world'));

As long as the extension is enabled, this function will be called every time CiviCRM builds a form.

Sending an Email Message When an Individuals Was Edited

In order to have CiviCRM tell you when an Individual was edited, define the civicrm_pre hook. This lets you see the incoming edits as well as the values of the existing record, because you may want to include that information in the email.

function myextension_civicrm_pre($op, $objectName, $objectId, &$objectRef) {
  // Make sure we just saved an Individual contact and that it was edited
    if ($objectName != "Individual" || $op != "edit") {

  // send the email
  $emailSubject = "An Individual was edited";
  $emailBody = sprintf("Someone edited Individual with ID %d\n", $objectId);
  $emailRecipient = '';

  mail( $emailRecipient, $emailSubject, $emailBody );

Validating Form Content

If you have experience with other hook-based systems, you might think that the civicrm_pre hook is the one to use for validations. But this is not the case in CiviCRM because, even though the civicrm_pre hook is called before the record is saved to the database, you cannot abort the action from this hook.

This is where form validation hooks come in. When you return true from a validation hook CiviCRM saves the new or updated record. When you return an error array instead, CiviCRM aborts the operation and reports your error to the user.

function myextension_civicrm_validateForm($formName, &$fields, &$files, &$form, &$errors) {

  $errors = array();

  // check we're targeting the right form
  if ($formName != 'My_Contact_Form') {
    return true;

   $firstName = CRM_Utils_Array::value( 'first_name', $fields );

   // ensure that firstName is present and valid
   if (!$firstName) {
      $errors['first_name'] = ts( 'First name is a required field' );
   } elseif (strlen($firstName) > 50) {
      $errors['first_name'] = ts( 'First name must be less than 50 characters');

  return empty($errors) ? true : $errors;