This hook is called when CiviCRM receives a request to unsubscribe a user from a mailing.
Introduced in CiviCRM v4.2
hook_civicrm_unsubscribeGroups($op, $mailingId, $contactId, &$groups, &$baseGroups)
string $op - hard coded to be unsubscribe
int $mailingId - the id of the mailing sent that originated this unsubscribe request
- int $contactId - the id of the contact that wishes to be unsubscribed
- array $groups - the list of groups that the contact will be removed from
- array $baseGroups - the list of base groups (for smart mailings) that the contact will be removed from
function civitest_civicrm_unsubscribeGroups( $op, $mailingId, $contactId, &$groups, &$baseGroups ) {
// do the below for even mailing ids only
// in a real implementation, you will have some logic to restrict what mailings
// you want to handle the unsub via a different patch
// this hook basically redirects you to a custom unsubscribe page
// thanx to parvez @ veda consulting for this example
if ($op == 'unsubscribe' && $mailingId % 2 == 0) {
$oConfig = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
$sUnsubscribeRedirectUrl = $oConfig->unsubscribe_redirect_url;
if ( !empty( $sUnsubscribeRedirectUrl ) ) {
CRM_Utils_System::redirect( $sUnsubscribeRedirectUrl );
} else {
CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce( 'Unsubscribe URL has not been set.' );