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Setup and configuration

Please make sure you have read and followed the instructions under Install first.

Scheduled Jobs


This job automatically cancels abandoned (uncaptured) paymentIntents after 1 hour and cleans up old records in the civicrm_stripe_paymentintent table.

  • Run: Hourly
  • Domain-specific: No. This job only needs to be run on one of the domains for multisite/multidomain setup.

If this job is not running then the abandoned payments will show on the clients card for up to one week.


In addition to the receipts that CiviCRM can send, Stripe will send it's own receipt for payment by default.

If you wish to disable this under Administer->CiviContribute->Stripe Settings you can find a setting that allows you to disable Stripe from sending receipts:

  • Allow Stripe to send a receipt for one-off payments?