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Drupal Webform + Webform_civicrm

The Stripe extension works with Drupal Webform + Webform_civicrm.


Drupal 7

You must enable the contributiontransactlegacy CiviCRM extension which replaces the Contribution.transact API with a working one. In the future we hope that webform_civicrm switches to a supported API.

Minimum version: 7.x-5.5 or 8.x-5.0

Known issues

Test Mode will not work for drupal webform if there are multiple payment processors configured on the webform.

Recurring Payments

For recurring payments make sure that:

  1. You have either "Number of installments" or "Interval of installments" element on the same "page" as the payment.
  2. The elements are either visible or hidden (hidden element) - do NOT select hidden (secure value) as it won't work.

Custom integrations

These notes cover how to create Stripe payments and subscriptions without using CiviCRM's Contribution pages.

Create a new recurring contribution / subscription.

In your front end, collect the card details using Stripe Elements, and using Stripe's JS APIs get a paymentMethodID.

In the back end:

Create a pending ContributionRecur and a pending Order (Contribution).


$contributionRecurID = civicrm_api3('ContributionRecur', 'create', [
  'amount'                 => 1.00,
  'contact_id'             => 12345,
  'contribution_status_id' => "Pending",
  'currency'               => 'GBP',
  'financial_type_id'      => 1,
  'frequency_interval'     => 1,
  'frequency_unit'         => "month",
  'is_test'                => 1,
  'payment_processor_id'   => $stripeTestPayProcessorID,

$orderCreateParams = [
  'receive_date'           => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
  'total_amount'           => 1.00,
  'contact_id'             => 12345,
  "payment_instrument_id"  => 1,
  'currency'               => 'GBP',
  'financial_type_id'      => 1,
  'contribution_recur_id'  => $contributionRecurID,
  'contribution_status_id' => 'Pending',
  'is_test'                => 1,
  'line_items' => [
      'line_item' => [[
        'line_total'        => 1
        'unit_price'        => 1,
        "price_field_id"    => 1,
        'financial_type_id' => 1,
        'qty'               => 1,
civicrm_api3('Order', 'create', $orderCreateParams);

Call CRM_Core_Payment_Stripe::doPayment()

Then assemble the inputs for Stripe's doPayment() in a PropertyBag and call it.

This will create all the Stripe-specific structures that are needed: a Customer, a Plan and a Subscription. It will also save the card (paymentMethodID) to the customer.

The subscription, (unless you set a future start date) will have an invoice, and that invoice will have a payment intent.

The payment intent is automatically captured, if possible.


/** @var CRM_Core_Payment_Stripe */
$paymentProcessor = getTheStripePaymentObject();
/** @var array */
$input = getTheInputData();

$doPaymentParams = new \Civi\Payment\PropertyBag();
$doPaymentParams->setCustomProperty('paymentMethodID', $input['paymentMethodID']);

$result = $paymentProcessor->doPayment($doPaymentParams);
Observations I suspect need discussion

The function endDoPayment() in CRM_Core_Payment_MJWTrait.php is used to filter and construct the return params for doPayment() as agreed in dev/financial#141.

But.. note that the results may already be out of date because the related objects (contribution etc.) may have been updated by webhook events received from Stripe.

  • To get the real result you may need to disregard the data returned from doPayment and reload the objects, just using their IDs. From there you can see whether you have a payment intent yet, and what state it is in.

Check for SCA requirements

If you’re lucky (and if you didn't set a future start date), everything will have gone through. But often you’ll need to do Secure Customer Authentication (SCA).

This is identified by the payment intent having a status of requires_action and you’ll need to pass paymentIntentID and paymentIntentClientSecret back to your Javascript which will need to use the Stripe APIs to handle that.

In this case, after handling the SCA, assuming successful, the payment intent at Stripe will have moved on, possibly to status needs_capture, or completed. CiviCRM will be told about this by an IPN call. As we need to allow for the needs_capture case, your Javascript must now call StripePaymentintent.process, passing the paymentIntentID. This will see what needs doing, do it, and update CiviCRM records.

Things that have changed since this was written.

API3 StripePaymentIntent.Process now allows you to implement Stripe setupIntents which allow you to capture the user authentication (eg. 3DSecure) without taking payment. This is used for creating subscriptions and for delayed payments when you don't know the exact amount until you've completed "checkout".

See civicrmStripe.js for an example implementation. Note the return values in our implementation are more consistent that paymentIntents.