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Developer Guide


Some parts of CiviBanking can be customized using hooks. This would typically be done in a dedicated customization extension. CiviBanking supports the following hooks:

PHP hooks



This hook allows you to change the transaction summary blocks displayed on top of the "Review Bank Transaction" screen in CiviBanking.


This hook was first available in CiviBanking 0.8.

hook_civicrm_banking_transaction_summary($banking_transaction, &$summary_blocks)
  • @param CRM_Banking_BAO_BankTransaction $banking_transaction
  • @param array $summary_blocks

This example changes the ReviewDebtor block to show the contact's birth date.

// bankingcustom.php

 * Replace (some of) the summary blocks on the banking review page
 * @param CRM_Banking_BAO_BankTransaction $banking_transaction
 * @param array $summary_blocks
function bankingcustom_civicrm_banking_transaction_summary($banking_transaction, &$summary_blocks) {
  $summary = new CRM_Bankingcustom_TransactionSummary($banking_transaction, $summary_blocks);

// CRM/Bankingcustom/TransactionSummary.php
class CRM_Bankingcustom_TransactionSummary {

   * @var CRM_Banking_BAO_BankTransaction
  private $transaction;

   * @var array
  private $blocks;

  public function __construct($transaction, &$blocks) {
    $this->transaction = $transaction;
    $this->blocks = &$blocks;

   * Fetch the birth_date of the contact matching this transaction
   * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
  public function modify() {
    $template = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton();
    if (!empty($this->transaction->party_ba_id)) {
      // fetch the contact associated with the BankingAccount matching this trxn
      $result = reset(civicrm_api3('BankingAccount', 'get', [
        'id'                   => $this->transaction->party_ba_id,
        'return'               => ['contact_id'],
        'api.Contact.getvalue' => ['return' => 'birth_date'],
      if (!empty($result['api.Contact.getvalue'])) {
        // make $birth_date available to the template
        $template->assign('birth_date', $result['api.Contact.getvalue']);
    // replace the "ReviewDebtor" block with a custom template
    $this->blocks['ReviewDebtor'] = $template->fetch(

// templates/CRM/Bankingcustom/TransactionSummary/ReviewDebtor.tpl

<table id="btx-debtor" style="width: 50%">
      <div class="btxheader">
        {ts domain='org.project60.banking'}DEBTOR INFO{/ts}
  <tr >
      <div class="btxlabel">{ts domain='org.project60.banking'}Account{/ts}</div>
      <div class="btxvalue btxl">
        {if $party_ba_references.0}
          {assign var=ba_contact_id value=$party_ba_references.0.contact_id}
          {if !$party_ba_references.0.contact_ok}<strike>{/if}
          <a title="{$party_ba_references.0.reference_type_label}">{$party_ba_references.0.reference}</a>
          <a href="{crmURL p="civicrm/contact/view" q="reset=1&cid=$ba_contact_id"}">[{$ba_contact_id}]</a>
          {if !$party_ba_references.0.contact_ok}</strike>{/if}
        {elseif $party_account_ref}
          <span title="{$party_account_reftypename}" class="notfound">{$party_account_ref} ({$party_account_reftype2})</span>

      <div class="btxlabel">{ts domain='org.project60.banking'}Address{/ts}</div>
      <div class="btxvalue btxl">
      <div class="btxlabel">&nbsp;</div>
      <div class="btxvalue btxl">
        {$payment_data_parsed.postal_code} {$}&nbsp;
      <div class="btxlabel">{ts domain='org.project60.banking'}Owner{/ts}</div>
      <div class="btxvalue btxl">
        {$}{if $}&nbsp;({$}){/if}
      {if $contact}
        <div class="btxlabel">{ts domain='org.project60.banking'}Contact{/ts}</div>
        <div class="btxvalue btxl">
          <a href="{$base_url}/civicrm/contact/view?reset=1&cid={$}">{$contact.display_name}{if $birth_date} ({$birth_date}){/if} [{$}]</a>

JavaScript hooks



This hook allows you to change the contact label used in the contact selection drop-down on the "Review Bank Transaction" screen in CiviBanking.


This hook was first available in CiviBanking 0.8.

banking_contact_option_element(event, label, contact)
  • @param event JavaScript event
  • @param label default label for this contact
  • @param contact contact data as fetched via the Contact.get CiviCRM API

This example changes the label to include the birth date in the contact label.

// js/change_contact_label.js
CRM.$(document).on('banking_contact_option_element', function(event, label, contact) {
  label = label.split(']')[0] + '] ';
  // add birth_date if set
  if (contact.birth_date) {
    var birth_date = new Date(contact.birth_date);
    var options = { year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit' };
    var formatted_date = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('de-AT', options).format(birth_date);
    label += ' (' + formatted_date + ')';
  // add address fields if set
  if (contact.street_address || || contact.postal_code) {
    label += ' (' + contact.street_address + ', ' + contact.postal_code +  ' ' + + ')';
  return label;
// bankingcustom.php
 * Add JS to the banking review page
 * @param $page
 * @throws \Exception
function bankingcustom_civicrm_pageRun(&$page) {
  $pageName = $page->getVar('_name');
  if ($pageName == 'CRM_Banking_Page_Review') {
    CRM_Core_Resources::singleton()->addScriptFile('com.example.bankingcustom', 'js/change_contact_label.js', 0, 'html-header');