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6.0 Paid Event Example

Create an event in CiviCRM>Events>New Event For more information on creating events visit Civi Event Documentation

Also note that Webform CiviCRM does not support price sets, you will need to use participant fees to collect money for your event.

Create your webform as shown in Getting Started and keep in mind the steps we went through in our Contribution Webform Example

So once the Event (in this example it is called Workshop) and the Contribution page (is this example it is called donation) are created, you are ready to create your webform as shown in Basic Webform

CiviCRM Configuration Form

Open your basic webform - Structure > Webform > Basic Webform > Settings > CiviCRM

We have enabled first name, last name and e-mail fields.

alt screenshot of Civi webform settings

alt screenshot of Civi webform settings

Under the Event Registration section on the left, for Registration Method, you want to select register each contact separately

alt screenshot of Event Registration webform settings

alt screenshot of Event Registration webform settings

Under the Additional options section on the left, we have Source Label Event Example. This makes it eary to track contributions related to the the event.

alt screenshot of Additional Options webform settings


Here is the View of our form

alt screenshot of Event Registration webform View


Testing our form shows the following

alt screenshot of Event Registration webform View

alt screenshot of Event Registration webform View


Here is the Build of the form

alt screenshot of Event Registration webform Build

If you go to Form>Settings>CSS/JS we have written a conditional to calculate the Participant Fee. If the registrant clicks the workshop checkbox, this coding below autofills the registration fee to $25.

(function ($) {
  Drupal.behaviors.officeHours = {
    attach: function (context, settings) {
      // Sep
      $('#edit-civicrm-1-participant-1-participant-event-id').change(function() {
        if($("#edit-civicrm-1-participant-1-participant-event-id").is(':checked')) {
        if(!$("#edit-civicrm-1-participant-1-participant-event-id").is(':checked')) {


  '#type': wizard_page
  '#title': wizard-page
    '#type': fieldset
    '#title': 'Contact 1'
    '#form_key': civicrm_1_contact_1_fieldset_fieldset
      '#type': textfield
      '#contact_type': individual
      '#form_key': civicrm_1_contact_1_contact_first_name
        width: 20
      '#parent': civicrm_1_contact_1_fieldset_fieldset
      '#title': 'First Name'
      '#type': textfield
      '#contact_type': individual
      '#form_key': civicrm_1_contact_1_contact_last_name
        width: 20
      '#parent': civicrm_1_contact_1_fieldset_fieldset
      '#title': 'Last Name'
      '#type': email
      '#form_key': civicrm_1_contact_1_email_email
        width: 20
      '#parent': civicrm_1_contact_1_fieldset_fieldset
      '#title': Email
      '#type': civicrm_options
      '#title': Event(s)
      '#civicrm_live_options': 0
        4-6: Workshop
      '#format_items': ul
      '#format_items_html': ''
      '#format_items_text': ''
        aslist: 0
        multiple: 1
      '#form_key': civicrm_1_participant_1_participant_event_id
      '#parent': civicrm_1_contact_1_fieldset_fieldset
      '#default_option': false
      '#default_value': false
      '#type': number
      '#data_type': Money
        field_prefix: $
        point: .
        separator: ','
        decimals: 2
        min: 0
      '#form_key': civicrm_1_participant_1_participant_fee_amount
      '#parent': civicrm_1_contact_1_fieldset_fieldset
      '#title': 'Participant Fee'
  '#type': wizard_page
  '#form_key': contribution_pagebreak
  '#title': Payment
    '#type': hidden
    '#expose_list': true
    '#empty_option': None
      hidden_type: hidden
    '#parent': contribution_pagebreak
    '#form_key': civicrm_1_contribution_1_contribution_contribution_page_id
    '#value': '2'
    '#title': 'Contribution Page'