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Release Notes


Releases use the following numbering system: {major}.{minor}.{incremental}

  • major: Major refactoring or rewrite - make sure you read and test very carefully!
  • minor: Breaking change in some circumstances, or a new feature. Read carefully and make sure you understand the impact of the change.
  • incremental: A "safe" change / improvement. Should always be safe to upgrade.

  • [BC]: Items marked with [BC] indicate a breaking change that will require updates to your code if you are using that code in your extension.

Release 1.3 (2024-07-17)

  • Add new API4 functions:
  • ContributionRecur.updateAmountOnRecurMJW
  • Membership.LinkToRecurMJW
  • Membership.UnlinkFromRecurMJW
  • PriceFieldValue.GetDefaultPriceFieldValueForContributionMJW
  • PriceFieldValue.GetDefaultPriceFieldValueForMembershipMJW
  • PaymentMJW.create

See API docs for more information.

  • Add search identifier and raw data options to Payment Processor Webhooks UI.

Release 1.2.22 (2024-03-09)

  • Fix message display on PaymentProcessorWebhook UI when message is NULL.
  • Add generic Logger class \Civi\MJW\Logger - use this to standardise/simplify log messages.
  • Update getDefaultCurrencyForForm() to use standard form functions where available.
  • Update some functions to use API4 internally.
  • Replace deprecated CiviCRM_API3_Exception.
  • More robust error_url handling.
  • Fix currency shown on refund form.

Release 1.2.21 (2024-02-09)

  • Switch Payment processor webhooks menu entry to managed entity.
  • Add a settings page (Administer->CiviContribute->Payment Shared Settings).
  • !44 Ensure email confirm is sent for events when using stripe checkout (Fixes extensions/stripe#456).
  • Add feature to disable (hide) core 'Record Refund' link on edit contribution.
  • Add handling for billingCountry on update subscription.

Release 1.2.20 (2023-12-16)

  • Fix CustomField params for Mjwpayment.create_payment.
  • Fix setting of recur ID for changeSubscriptionAmount.

Release 1.2.19 (2023-12-15)

  • Add CustomFields to API3 MJWPayment.create spec - makes the custom fields "discoverable" via the API3 explorer.
  • Update beginChangeSubscriptionAmount() function - for Payment Processors that allow you to update the subscription amount it should now be slightly more reliable.

Release 1.2.18 (2023-11-21)

  • !42 avoid extra redirect; correctly show errors on failed transaction.

Release 1.2.17 (2023-10-16)

You MUST update to this version if running CiviCRM 5.66 otherwise webhooks will stop working

  • Fix message field should not be required (CiviCRM core enforces required fields for API4 from 5.66).
  • Cleanup custom fields.

Release 1.2.16 (2023-10-16)

Do not use this release

It was released with a broken upgrader.

Release 1.2.15 (2023-09-10)

  • Fix civicrm-core/#4553 getBillingEmail() function causes fatal error when email is not passed in correctly.

Release 1.2.14 (2023-08-14)

  • !41 The extension fails to install or upgrade if the option value for cg extends already present in the database (fix compatibility with extensions that use custom fields on financial transactions).

Release 1.2.13 (2023-06-26)

  • smartyv2-1.0.1 does not work on 5.59 because of so we set minimum version to 5.58 which triggers civix to ship as an extension mixin.

Release 1.2.12 (2023-06-25)

  • Add Payment_details custom field group and allow custom fields to be saved via API3 Mjwpayment.create.
  • Pass through custom params in updateContributionCompleted().

  • Convert some internals to API4.

  • Refactor API call to fix payment processor name issue.
  • Use getter for _paymentProcessor.

Release 1.2.11 (2023-01-30)

  • Remove our version of CRM_Core_Payment::getAmount() as it was merged into core in 5.37.
  • Fix undefined variable basePage on frontend formbuilder pages.

Release 1.2.10 (2022-11-22)

  • Make sure calculateTaxAmount always returns a valid float.
  • Stop recommending installation of minifier extension (it can cause problems with some angularjs scripts).
  • Check both frontend/backend URL for AJAX requests.
  • Add indexes to civicrm_paymentprocessor_webhook - see Stripe#395.
  • Fix translation !31.

Release 1.2.9 (2022-10-14)

  • Add psr0 classloader to info.xml.
  • Don't update (set update to never) Paymentprocessorwebhooks managed job (stops it re-enabling automatically).
  • Upgrade civix.
  • Fix #18 Don't add refund link if no payment processor.

Release 1.2.8 (2022-08-19)

  • Multiple participants: Handle 100% discount. Fix Stripe#372 etc. when additional participant amount is more than first participant.
  • Convert getTokenParameter() to use propertyBag.
  • Fix !35 style issues with Greenwich; also nicer formatting of raw data.

Release 1.2.7 (2022-07-20)

  • Minimum supported version of Stripe extension is now 6.7.
  • Add \Civi\Paymentshared\WebhookEventIgnoredException for use by payment processors.
  • Fix deprecated API4 join.

Release 1.2.6 (2022-06-14)

  • Add support for percentagepricesetfield/extrafee extensions (was previously supported but broke in 1.2.3).
  • Support partial refunds.
  • Fix #8 Support cancelling memberships when issuing refunds.

Release 1.2.5 (2022-05-19)

  • Separate trxn_id and order_reference params and prefer trxn_id in return values from doPayment(). This means that both are now available for use.
  • Refunds: Add a lock around recording refund payment in MJWIPNTrait::updateContributionRefund(). This means we should not record a duplicate refund if both UI and IPN are processed at the same time.
  • Update return params from doRefund().
  • !33 Add processor filter to webhooks list page.

Release 1.2.4

  • Fix !30 Pledges are also recurring.
  • Set civicrm_contribution_recur.processor_id if still using trxn_id.

Release 1.2.3

  • !29 Throw exception on error (when using handleError() function).
  • Fix #10 Replace .prop() with .attr() when selecting BillingFormID.
  • Improve CRM.payment.getIsRecur() so it returns early if recur is not supported.
  • Mjwpayment.get_contribution API supports contribution_id - update spec.
  • Replace core calculateTotalFee() javascript function with our own. This makes us independent of core changes - eg. see
  • Calculate the total amount for multiple event participants when calling CRM.payment.getTotalAmount().

Release 1.2.2

  • Add result parameter to webhookEventNotMatched and update example.
  • Add getter/setter for contributionRecurID in IPN trait.
  • Add link to example hook implementation for webhookEventNotMatched (
  • Enable js debugging for drupal webform.

Release 1.2.1

  • Fix display of 'Error' status on webhook UI.
  • More helpful error messages when IPN processing fails.
  • Job.process_paymentprocessor_webhooks needs to be domain-specific (setup to run on each domain).
  • Add event_id and queue_limit to Job.process_paymentprocessor_webhooks.
  • Add deleted count to Job.process_paymentprocessor_webhooks.
  • Only delete old webhook entries for our domain (when multiple domains configured).
  • Add system check to make sure that scheduled jobs are setup on all domains.

Release 1.2

Thanks to ArtfulRobot this release improves the webhook queueing system and adds a user interface to view/manage webhooks.

  • Implement processWebhookEvent() - This receives and processes the row from civicrm_paymentprocessor_webhook (from PaymentprocessorWebhook).
  • Update schema and add indexes to civicrm_paymentprocessor_webhooks table.
  • Improve api3 Job.ProcessPaymentprocessorWebhooks return data and add time.
  • Add angular app to view/manage webhooks.
  • Fully remove support for CiviCRM older that 5.35.

Release 1.1

This release should be compatible with payment processors that require 1.0 or higher. But make sure you test before upgrading.

  • Add multiple functions to CRM.payment (that were previously in civicrmStripe.js):
    • resetBillingFieldsRequiredForJQueryValidate
    • setBillingFieldsRequiredForJQueryValidate
    • addDrupalWebformActionElement
    • doStandardFormSubmit
    • validateReCaptcha
    • addSupportForCiviDiscount
    • displayError
    • swalFire
    • swalClose
    • triggerEvent
  • Minor (backwards-compatible) fixes/changes to existing functions (eg. setting class variables directly instead of relying on return values).
  • Refactor checks class, move checks from Stripe to mjwshared:
    • Check for Sweetalert extension.
    • Check for "Separate Membership Payment" is enabled.
  • Support X.X-dev versioning for system checks - display a warning if dev version, version check no longer fails if eg. using 1.1-dev and minimum requirement is 1.1.
  • Return a fixed set of params from doPayment() - see dev/financial/issues#141.
  • Move cast to PropertyBag to beginDoPayment (reduce lines of code required in doPayment).
  • Automatically handle deprecated trxn_id on civicrm_contribution_recur (copy from processor_id and add deprecated warnings).
  • Add beginUpdateSubscriptionBillingInfo() and beginChangeSubscriptionAmount() methods - see Payment Processor.
  • Convert internal method getContactID() to require propertyBag.
  • Define contributionRecur property on IPN class.
  • Add new hook webhookEventNotMatched.
  • Add handling for multiple js payment processors and delayed crmBillingFormReloadComplete event trigger.
  • Fix invalid currency on some event registration forms.
  • Fix for non-default Wordpress basepage and AJAX reload of payment elements.

Release 1.0.1

  • Fix !22 Handle deprecated API4 joins in PaymentProcessorwebhook API.

Release 1.0

  • Add PaymentprocessorWebhook entity, API and scheduled job that allows for queueing and scheduling of webhooks - see Webhook Queue
  • Fully remove support for CiviCRM older than 5.28.
  • Add IPN getters/setters to provide object oriented initialisation.
  • IPN data can be array, object or string.
  • Clear cancel_date when setting a contribution back to pending.
  • Support CiviCRM multi-domain (add default domain to API calls).
  • Add handleErrorThrowsException option to MJWTrait (to help with testing).
  • Total Amount is always required when completing contribution (MJWIPNTrait::updateContributionCompleted()).
  • Set the 'payment_status' and add helper functions on doPayment() - see
  • Don't require total_amount for repeatContribution - it is set automatically via the template contribution of the recurring contribution.
  • Fix !19 Contributions held for fraud then approved don't send receipts - Send receipts on one-time payment notifications (if configured to do so via Contribution page).
  • Enable Refund UI by default.
  • "Javascript debugging" is now moved from Stripe to this library. If you have it enabled you will need to enable it again.

Release 0.9.12

  • Fix #7 Parse through thousands separators in calculateTaxAmount.
  • Fix !18 Incorrect financial transaction on repeatTransaction (Always pass payment_processor_id to Mjwshared.create_payment).

Release 0.9.11

  • Add supportsRecur() function to CRM.payment.
  • Add getPaymentProcessorSelectorValue() function to CRM.payment.
  • Fix !15 Stripe loading on drupal 8 webforms.

Release 0.9.10

  • Add getBillingEmail() and getBillingName() functions to CRM.payment library.

Release 0.9.9

  • Trap and log exceptions triggered when calling repeatcontribution.
  • Fix Stripe!121 Drupal Webform: Recognize 0 installments as recurring.
  • Add function processZeroAmountPayment to check/handle a zero amount payment.

Release 0.9.8

This affects new installs only. It should be completely safe to upgrade existing sites from 0.9.7 to 0.9.8

  • Fix #6 Install error on 0.9.7.
    • This was because the new settings file referenced a class from the Stripe extension.

Release 0.9.7

  • Add support for issuing refunds via the payment UI for payment processors that support refunds (eg. Stripe).
  • Fix Stripe#260 Refund not communicated back to CiviCRM properly (CiviCRM < 5.32).

Release 0.9.6

  • Fix Stripe#271 Can't submit credit card memberships: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: this.form is null

Release 0.9.5

  • Fix #4 Fatal error when is_email_receipt = null.

Release 0.9.4

  • Fix #2 Don't update receive_date when marking a contribution as failed.

Release 0.9.3

  • Add getBillingSubmit() to CRM.payment.

Release 0.9.2

  • Load CRM.payment library via coreResourceList so it is added everywhere CiviCRM is loaded (eg. drupal_webform etc)
  • Fix stripe#238 two receipts sent for subscriptions
  • Fix params for updateContributionFailed (id => contribution_id)
  • Fix Mjwpayment.get_contribution
  • Add getCurrency() function to CRM.payment
  • Add 'Install now' to minifier/contributiontransactlegacy extensions now they are available for automated distribution

Release 0.9.1

  • Add workaround for #17777 so receive_date is not updated on contribution (<5.29). Wrap workaround for order_reference in (<5.27) block
  • Fix Failed->Completed for updateContributionCompleted() (you now need to pass in contribution_status_id as a parameter).
  • Fix issues with params for Contribution.repeattransaction and IPNs (wrong params were being passed causing issues with completing contributions and duplicate payments).
  • Check if we've already loaded CRM.payment library and don't reload if we have.
  • Log errors if payment processor cannot be found for IPN.

Release 0.9

We are renaming this library to "Payment Shared". In some places you will see "Mjwshared" and in others "Payment Shared". They are the same thing!

  • Allow completing a contribution that has Failed status via updateContributionCompleted().
  • Add basic function for updating a contribution (eg. the trxn_id) without touching other things.
  • Don't trigger exception if payment processor ID not found for IPN, use debug function because we don't have access to getPaymentProcessorLabel() function.

API (v3)

  • Update Mjwpayment.get_payment spec.
  • Refactor Mjwpayment.get_contribution so it accepts order_reference and trxn_id params and returns a single contribution with matching payments.
  • Use Mjwpayment.create_payment instead of Payment.create API in updateContributionRefund() for compatibility with multiple versions of CiviCRM.
  • Add Mjwpayment.notificationretry that allows retrying IPN notifications stored in the civicrm_system_log table.

CRM.payment library

  • Load crm.payment.js before any payment processor scripts. Loaded in page-header unless client is webform-civicrm when we load in billing-block.
  • Add getIsRecur() function.
  • Allow the client to override/define their own CRM.payment.getTotalAmount() function (currently used by webform_civicrm - see

Shared PHP libraries (MjwTrait and MjwIPNTrait)

  • [BC] Convert beginDoPayment and getRecurringContributionId now require a \Civi\Payment\PropertyBag object instead of an array as parameter.

Release 0.8.1

  • Fixes and improvements to system checks.
  • Enhance getErrorUrl function and fixes for CiviCRM 5.27+

Release 0.8

This release contains breaking changes

  • Update updateContributionCompleted, updateContributionFailed, updateContributionRefunded, repeatContribution IPN functions so they now take order_reference and trxn_id parameters.

You need to update contribution_trxn_id -> order_reference and payment_trxn_id to trxn_id.

  • Switch to contribution.repeattransaction and payment.create API functions.
  • Initial support for \Civi\Payment\PropertyBag. Add new CRM.payment library. Add WebhookTrait

Release 0.7

  • Implement buildAsset hook so that assets can be loaded via AssetBuilder without the minifier extension being available.
  • Recommend minifier extension (and implement a dummy buildAsset hook so extensions using buildAsset for the minifier will still work without it).
  • Recommend contributiontransactlegacy extension if drupal webform_civicrm is enabled.
  • Implements setExceptionMode to allow skipping the exit on exception policy !5.
  • Add compat functions to work around issues with \Civi::resources()->addVars() - This improves compatibility for forms with multiple payment processors.
  • Update Mjwpayment.get_payment API to support multiple parameters and options per (CiviCRM 5.26).

Release 0.6

  • Improve updateContributionRefund() function to handle new order_reference field and use Payment.create API.
  • Simply calls in Contribution.getbalance to improve performance.
  • Add check to warn if nfp worldpay extension is installed as it breaks things!
  • Add currency symbol to Contribution.getbalance

Release 0.5.1

  • Fix getBillingEmail() to work in more circumstances and add tests

Release 0.5

  • Add Contribution.GetBalance API

Release 0.4.6

  • Fix missing return array on getTokenParameter.

Release 0.4.5

  • Remove setTokenParameter, modify getTokenParameter as we're now using pre_approval_parameters in Stripe 6.2

Release 0.4.4

  • Record a full refund correctly

Release 0.4.3

  • Improvements to get/setTokenParameter.
  • Add js validation to event registration form.

Release 0.4.2

  • Fix params passed to repeatTransaction - this was causing some repeating contributions to fail.

Release 0.4.1

  • Fix 'is not boolean' error on IPNs. getIsTestMode() was returning TRUE/FALSE but the API requires 1/0.

Release 0.4

  • Fix issue with non-default currency on form when you can choose from more than one payment processor on the form.
  • Add getTokenParameter()/setTokenParameter() functions to MJWTrait which should be used when setting parameters via javascript (eg. Stripe paymentIntentID) which are required when the payment is actually processed (via doPayment()).

Release 0.3

  • Major refactor of MJWIPNTrait.
  • Add function to update the transaction ID for a payment related to a contribution.

Release 0.2

  • Add function to get configured currency for contributionpage/event registration page.

Release 0.1

  • Initial release