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Accepts amount parameter.

Accepts standard where clause to select recurring contributions. You can update multiple recurring contributions at the same time if multiple are returned by the where clause.

This updates a recurring contribution, associated contribution and lineitems with a new amount. Should be called eg. after calling changeSubscriptionAmount on a paymentprocessor to reflect the changes in CiviCRM.

Logic: - Find or create a template contribution for the recur. - Update the template contribution with the new amount. - CiviCRM core automatically updates LineItems and Recur amounts.

Notes: Will fail if (template) contribution has more than one LineItem.


Accepts membershipID parameter.

This links a membership to a recurring contribution and takes care of updating related entities (contribution, template contribution, lineitem) so that the membership will automatically update/renew.


This unlinks a membership from a recurring contribution and takes care of updating related entities (contribution, template contribution, lineitem) so that history is preserved but future payments will not be linked to or renew the membership.


No parameters. This returns an array containing the defaul contribution price_field_value_id:

$result = ['price_field_id' = X, 'price_field_value_id' = Y, 'label' = price_field_value.label]


One parameter: membershipID.

You must specify a membership ID from which the membership type and default price_field_value_id for that type will be returned as an array:

$result = ['price_field_id' = X, 'price_field_value_id' = Y, 'label' = price_field_value.label]


Use like API3 Payment.create. This should not yet be used in production code as it is still subject to change and does not yet have test coverage.

API3 (Deprecated)

This extension comes with several APIs to help you troubleshoot problems. These can be run via /civicrm/api or via drush if you are using Drupal (drush cvapi Mjwpayment.XXX).


For supported payment processors (ie. those that use Mjwshared) you can retry IPN notifications using this API.


  • system_log_id: The stored notification log entry to retry. Find using SystemLog.get API.