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Inserting dynamic content with "live Snippets"

CiviOffice provides a means to insert dynamic content when creating your document (although it still lacks a full-fledged text editor). The so-called "live snippets" offer a token-based approach to insert content that is neither static nor comes from CiviCRM data. This might be useful e.g. to insert a personal address into your standard letter.

Defining live snippets

Before you can use live snippets, you have to configure them. Go to your global CiviOffice settings at /civicrm/admin/civioffice/settings?reset=1 and add one or more snippets. The format is {civioffice.live_snippets.<SNIPPET-NAME>}.

Using live snippets

When creating documents, CiviOffice offers you one form field per live snippet to enter your dynamic content. Make sure the expected live snippet placeholders are actually in your document, as CiviOffice will not check this for you.