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Set up of CiviGrant is reasonably straightforward. The first thing to do is to enable the CiviGrant extension in Administer > System Settings > Extensions.

Grant types

Grant types are set up on the Administer > CiviGrant > Grant types screen. There isn't much to configure here, apart from a title and description of the grant.

At the moment, you cannot add custom data to grant types but you can add it to grants (see below).

Grant statuses

The option list for Grant status can be found on the Administer > System Settings > Option Groups screen. Select Options on the right of the Grant status line to view existing options or create new statuses to match your grant giving workflow.

Custom data for grants

To add custom data to grants:

  1. Go to Administer > Customize Data and Screens > Custom Fields.
  2. Click on Add Set of Custom Fields.
  3. Set Used For to Grant.

Consider adding custom data fields to upload the original application form; these could be converted to a PDF before uploading to make it read-only and reasonably future compatible.

See the Creating Custom Fields section for more information about setting up custom data.