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CiviCRM's APIv3 framework provides a way for consumers to manage data and call services. APIv3 can be called in many ways (such as PHP, REST, and CLI). For a general introduction, see APIv3 Intro.

This extension defines a few new APIs:

  • Job.mosaico_migrate: If you need to perform an automated migration from v1.x to v2.x, use this API to copy all v1.x templates to v2.x.
  • Job.mosaico_purge: If you need to perform an automated migration from v1.x to v2.x, use this API to clear out the old v1.x templates.
  • MosaicoTemplate.*: This API provides access to the user-configurable templates. It supports all standard CRUD actions (get, create, deleteetc). Its data-structure closely adheres to Mosaico's canonical storage format.
  • MosaicoTemplate.replaceurls: When a database is restored in a server with a different URL or if paths change then templates will need to be updated. The replaceurls method facilitates that migration task:

cv api MosaicoTemplate.replaceurls from_url="" to_url=""
Migrating from Drupal 7 to WordPress:
cv api MosaicoTemplate.replaceurls from_url="/sites/default/files/civicrm/" to_url="/wp-content/uploads/civicrm/"

  • MosaicoBaseTemplate.get: This API provides access to the base templates. A base template (such as versafix-1) defines the HTML blocks that are available for drag/drop in the Mosaico palette. Note: This API is read-only. To define custom templates, see the section on "Base templates".

Base templates

A base template defines the HTML blocks that are available for drag/drop in the Mosaico palette. The standard distribution of Mosaico includes a few base templates, such as versafix-1.

The upstream Mosaico project provides a tutorial on how to develop a custom base template:

The new template is essentially a folder with a couple standard files. Once you've developed these files, you'll need a way to deploy the folder, such as:

  • Drop-in folder: On any site, create a folder dedicated to custom base templates. By default, this is [civicrm.files]/mosaico_tpl. ([civicrm.files] is a variable that resolves somewhere under the CMS's data folder.) For example, if you deployed a template foobar on a typical Drupal 7 site, the full path to the template HTML might be /var/www/sites/default/files/civicrm/mosaico_tpl/foobar/template-foobar.html. (The folder name can be customized in "Administer => CiviMail => Mosaico Settings".)
  • Extension: Create a CiviCRM extension and put the template in it. Use the hook system to register the template via hook_civicrm_mosaicoBaseTemplates. For example, this snippet shows how an extension named mymodule can register a base-template named foobar:
    use CRM_Mymodule_ExtensionUtil as E;
    function mymodule_civicrm_mosaicoBaseTemplates(&$templates) {
      $templates['foobar'] = [
        'name' => 'foobar',
        'title' => 'Foo Bar',
        'path' => E::url('foobar/template-foobar.html'),
        'thumbnail' => E::url('foobar/edres/_full.png'),


After designing a mailing, email messages are composed and delivered through FlexMailer. To programmaticaly tap into the composition and delivery process, see the FlexMailer developer docs.


See the CiviCRM documentation for more general information about hooks.


This hook can be implemented to modify the default mosaico WYSIWYG configuration. This is useful if you want to restrict the buttons available on the editing toolbar. The current configuration is passed in as a variable, which can then be modified.

Example - remove some buttons from the toolbar, customise a configuration setting:

function example_civicrm_mosaicoConfig(&$config) {
  $config['tinymceConfig']['forced_root_block'] = FALSE;
  $config['tinymceConfigFull']['plugins'] = ['link paste lists code civicrmtoken'];
  $config['tinymceConfigFull']['toolbar1'] = 'bold italic removeformat | link unlink | civicrmtoken | pastetext code';


$styleUrls is an array of URLs for stylesheets to be loaded in the Mosaico composer interface. Alter (add, remove, change) array elements as needed.

Example from Campaign Advocacy:

function campaignadv_civicrm_mosaicoStyleUrlsAlter(&$styleUrls) {
  $res = CRM_Core_Resources::singleton();

  // Include our own abridged styles from jquery-ui 'smoothness' theme, as
  // required for our jquery-ui dialog, but which don't conflict with Mosaico.
  $styleUrls[] = $res->getUrl('campaignadv', 'css/jquery-ui-smoothness-partial.css', TRUE);


$scriptUrls is an array of URLs for JavaScript files to be loaded in the Mosaico composer interface. Alter (add, remove, change) array elements as needed.

Example from Campaign Advocacy:

function campaignadv_civicrm_mosaicoScriptUrlsAlter(&$scriptUrls) {
  // Include our own JS (this url generates dynammic JS containing apprpopriate settings per session).
  $url = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/campaignadv/mosaico-js', '', TRUE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  $scriptUrls[] = $url;


This hook can be implemented to add custom JS plugins to the Mosaico object during initialization, see here on how plugins work in Mosaico.

Example usage:

 * Implements hook_civicrm_mosaicoPlugin().
function example_civicrm_mosaicoPlugin(&$plugins) {
    $plugins[] = _example_alert_plugin();

 * Example plugin to display alert on init and dispose.
function _example_alert_plugin(){
    $plugin = <<< JS
        function(vm) {
            return {
                    init: function(vm){alert("init");},
                    dispose:  function(vm){alert("dispose");}

    return $plugin;