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Once installed, the I3Val extension provides a configuration interface accessible at AdministrationSystem SettingsConfigure I3Val with the following configuration options:

Processing Options

This section defines options for processing change requests using the I3Val Desktop.

I3Val Configuration form - Processing Options

Quick History

When processing data change requests for a contact, activities of the type(s) selected here will be shown in a drop-down area in the I3Val Desktop for reference of which changes have been either scheduled, processed or marked problematic for the contact.

Reviewing closed activities may be useful for deciding what to do with a change request. Also, seeing multiple scheduled change requests for the same contact may indicate interferences with the current change request. In this case, an information message will appear, informing you about other scheduled change requests for the same contact, offering you to process all of them in a new batch.

Default Action

This option defines the default action to select for a change request. Selecting "Automatic" will try to choose the most appropriate action for each entry. The default action will not be applied automatically, it will just be pre-selected within the I3Val Desktop processing handler panels, still giving you the possibility to change it before applying the change request.

Flagged Request Status

This option defines the activity status to set the change request activity to when flagging as problematic.

Session Timeout + Batch Size

To prevent multiple users from accidentally working on the same change requests, each user is assigned a couple of changes to work on in a "session". This way multiple users can be processing change requests, without the risk of conflicts.

The "Session Timeout" is the time of inactivity that the claimed change requests will remain blocked for any session. After the timeout these change requests will be free to be assigned to other users.

The "Batch Size" defines the amount of change requests block for the user's session.

Update Request Options

This section defines options for data stored with change requests when processing them using the I3Val Desktop. Those are generally common validators for providing more sanity of input data automatically.

I3Val Configuration form - Update Request Options

Input Trim Characters

Characters within this option will be trimmed from the input data, if present in front or at the end of the input values. This is usually be set to space characters, that may be present when data is coming from public forms, but may be set to e.g. separators or quotation marks being used in external data sources.

Empty String Token

If there are input values that should be ignored, this option is to specify such values. E.g. if empty data is submitted as "None" or "NULL" and those values are being set here, the input values will be seen as non-existent and be ignored.

Data Configuration

Within this section, an arbitrary number of configuration sets can be defined. Those sets define which data changes should be processed. Which configuration set is being used is defined by the selected activity type.


If you want to only process changes in e-mail addresses for a certain data source (e.g. a newsletter subscription form), change request activities should be created with a specific activity type, which should then be configured to only use the Email Update handler in the I3Val configuration set. All other changes will not be processed.

I3Val Configuration form - Data Configuration

Activity Type

The activity type is the primary parameter for deciding which I3Val configuration to use for processing change requests.

You should select an activity type that is to be solely used for registering change requests, since all activities of that type will be taken into account when processing the change requests using the I3Val Desktop, and activities of that type without any change request information on it are prone to cause errors during that process. Therefore, you should create a separate activity type for use of recording change requests through I3Val.


You may define which data handlers should be used to process change requests per activity type.