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Creating entities


ECK comes with a SearchKit- and Afform-based user interface, which has not yet been documented here.

With the API Explorer

In API Explorer v4 we can create a new entity by selecting the API entity EckOfficeEquipment and the API action create. Should the entity be of a specific subtype (e.g. Computer Screens), add the subtype parameter and select the appropriate subtype. Also, add any custom field attached to the entity type for entering data for them. Hit Execute for creating the entity.

create new entity

Something like the following should now be issued as a response:

  "id": 1,
  "title": "Dell 1234",
  "subtype": 2

Listing entities

We now find our created entity back in the GUI on the List entities page which can be accessed either via the corresponding link on the administration page for the entity type, or in the CiviCRM navigation menu in the Custom Entities section.

Viewing entities

If you click the entity label in the Title column, you will see all the details of the entity, including its label, subtype and all custom field values.