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Implementing Configuration Profiles

Generic Implementation

You could use this extension for persisting your profiles without implementing a specific configuration profile class by just defining a configuration profile type and interacting with the generic API. Any additional configuration values would need to be JSON-serialized and passed in the data property.

Adding Configuration Profile Types

Configuration profile types are OptionValues within the Configuration Profile Types (config_profile_type) OptionGroup. Each OptionValue needs those attributes:

  • value - the implementing class, for generic use this would be set to \Civi\ConfigProfiles\GenericConfigProfile
  • name - the machine-readable name of the type
  • label - the human-readable name of the type
  • description (optional) - the description of the type, e. g. its purpose or structure

Working with Configuration Profiles

This extension provides SearchKit- and FormBuilder-based listings and forms for configuration profiles for each type. You might need to clear caches after adding a configuration profile type for them to be created. Currently, there are no navigation menu items for those listings, so you will have to access them by manually heading to /civicrm/admin/config-profile/[name] or by looking them up in the FormBuilder UI. You might want to add navigation menu items manually for the listings of your manually defined configuration profile types.

Creating, retrieving, updating and deleting a configuration profile programmatically works using the CiviCRM API (version 4) with the generic API entity ConfigProfile and its actions create, get, update, delete, etc. or the profile-type-specific API entity ConfigProfile_[name].


Mandatory attributes for creating configuration profiles are type and name.


As the type's value is the implementing class, you might want to pass the type's machine-readable name with the type:name API parameter instead.

Specific Implementations

The primarily-intended way of implementing Configuration Profiles with your extension is to provide a configuration profile type programmatically and also a distinct controller class. This allows you to define additional profile properties as fields with a specific field type, widget, and special processing if necessary.

Defining Fields

Your ConfigProfile class should implement the \Civi\ConfigProfiles\ConfigProfileInterface, especially the getFields() method, which needs to return an array of \Civi\Api4\Service\Spec\FieldSpec objects. Those fields will be considered by the extension's \Civi\Api4\Service\Spec\Provider\Generic\SpecProviderInterface implementation, providing those fields as parameters for the configuration profile's API entity.

Each API4 field specification will add a field to FormBuilder forms and save its value as an array element in the generic data property of the configuration profile.

You might want to transform the value prior to saving to the database with the processValues() method. Currently, this is not possible the other way around when fetching those values from the database.

You can also modify the entire field specification by implementing the modifyFieldSpec() method, allowing you to add more fields that should not be persisted in the data property, but might be needed for constructing properties. Again, this has not yet been used and thus lacks some things to be actually useful.

If you sub-class your profile type class from the \CRM_ConfigProfiles_BAO_ConfigProfile class, you can add getter methods for the additional properties of your profile for easy access to what is persisted in the data property.

An implementation might look like this example:

namespace Civi\MyExtension;

class ConfigProfile extends \CRM_ConfigProfiles_BAO_ConfigProfile implements Civi\ConfigProfiles\ConfigProfileInterface {

  public static function getFields(): array {
    return [
      'api_base_uri' => (new FieldSpec('api_base_uri', 'ConfigProfile_' . self::NAME, 'String'))
        ->setTitle(ts('API Base URI'))
        ->setLabel(ts('API Base URI'))
        ->setDescription(ts('API base URI for this configuration profile.'))

  public static function modifyFieldSpec(RequestSpec $spec): void {}

  public static function processValues(array &profile): void {}

  public function getApiBaseUri(): string {
    $data = self::unSerializeField($this->data, self::SERIALIZE_JSON);
    return (string) $data['api_base_uri'];
