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2.0 Adding a Custom Field

The custom field must first be created in CiviCRM. Visit Creating Custom Fields to learn all about custom fields.

Once your custom field has been created, create your webform as shown in Basic Webform

CiviCRM Configuration Form

Open your basic webform - Structure > Webform > Basic Webform > Settings > CiviCRM

Just below where we chose our Email field, there is a box for Enable Custom Data Fields. Select yes and any custom data fields you have created will show up here For this example our custom data is called Cookie preference

alt screenshot of basic webform custom field


Let’s take a look at how the form looks right now. Select View

alt screenshot of basic webform custom field dropdown view

But what if we want to re-arrange how the user sees their options?


Click on the Build Tab and let's take a look at our elements

alt screenshot of basic webform build elements

You see that the custom data element is a field set.

We can change from a drop down menu, or listbox, to a radio button selection.

On the cookie preference line, select edit

alt screenshot of basic webform build elements

alt screenshot of basic webform build elements

In the Edit Cookie Preference Element, under Extra, deselect listbox, and save.

Now, let’s look at the new view of our webform

alt screenshot of basic webform build elements


We can then select Test and see how the form will look like when it is filled out. After clicking submit, be sure to check your CiviCRM database to see that the data landed in the correct fields.

alt screenshot of basic webform build elements


YAML is found under Build > Source

YAML for Drop down, listbox,

  '#type': flexbox
    '#type': textfield
    '#contact_type': individual
    '#form_key': civicrm_1_contact_1_contact_first_name
      width: 20
    '#parent': civicrm_1_contact_1_fieldset_fieldset
    '#title': 'First Name'
    '#type': textfield
    '#contact_type': individual
    '#form_key': civicrm_1_contact_1_contact_last_name
      width: 20
    '#parent': civicrm_1_contact_1_fieldset_fieldset
    '#title': 'Last Name'
    '#type': email
    '#form_key': civicrm_1_contact_1_email_email
      width: 20
    '#parent': civicrm_1_contact_1_fieldset_fieldset
    '#title': Email
  '#type': fieldset
  '#title': 'Custom Data'
  '#form_key': civicrm_1_contact_1_cg1_fieldset
    '#type': civicrm_options
    '#title': 'Cookie preference'
      Vanilla: Vanilla
      Chocolate: Chocolate
    '#default_value': false
    '#format_items': ul
    '#format_items_html': ''
    '#format_items_text': ''
      aslist: 1
      multiple: 0
    '#form_key': civicrm_1_contact_1_cg1_custom_2
    '#parent': civicrm_1_contact_1_cg1_fieldset
    '#default_option': false

YAML for Radio Buttons

  '#type': flexbox
    '#type': textfield
    '#contact_type': individual
    '#form_key': civicrm_1_contact_1_contact_first_name
      width: 20
    '#parent': civicrm_1_contact_1_fieldset_fieldset
    '#title': 'First Name'
    '#type': textfield
    '#contact_type': individual
    '#form_key': civicrm_1_contact_1_contact_last_name
      width: 20
    '#parent': civicrm_1_contact_1_fieldset_fieldset
    '#title': 'Last Name'
    '#type': email
    '#form_key': civicrm_1_contact_1_email_email
      width: 20
    '#parent': civicrm_1_contact_1_fieldset_fieldset
    '#title': Email
  '#type': fieldset
  '#title': 'Custom Data'
  '#form_key': civicrm_1_contact_1_cg1_fieldset
    '#type': civicrm_options
    '#title': 'Cookie preference'
      Vanilla: Vanilla
      Chocolate: Chocolate
    '#default_value': false
    '#format_items': ul
    '#format_items_html': ''
    '#format_items_text': ''
    '#form_key': civicrm_1_contact_1_cg1_custom_2
    '#parent': civicrm_1_contact_1_cg1_fieldset
    '#default_option': false