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  1. Turn on CiviCampaign and create a campaign
  2. Now create a new contribution page - can you see the new campaign checkbox?
  3. Now create a new civimail - can you see the new campaign checkbox?


Note: you may find this exercise quite hard. You might want to work though them with someone who has done this before

  1. Create a petition for Schools to improve the quality of food that they serve at lunch time. Add the following fields to your petition

    1. First name
    2. Last name
    3. Email
    4. Postcode
    5. Lunch time meals should be organic
    6. Lunch time meals should be locally sourced
  2. Put a link to the petition on your home page


Note: you may find this exercise quite hard. You might want to work though them with someone who has done this before

  1. Create a new phone bank survey to ask members if they would support your organisation merging with another local organisation providing the same services

    1. Also use this opportunity to check their contact details
    2. Choose the following results for the survey

      1. For
      2. Against
      3. Did not want to answer
      4. Please call back