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The OAuth protocols define an access-control system for Internet-based services. Compared to traditional access-control mechanisms (like simple password-based logins), OAuth provides more security features. For example, it can grant limited access to specific resources, and it can de-list devices or applications which misbehave. These features make it well-suited to mobile applications and large web applications; consequently, many large-scale technology providers (such as Google, Microsoft, or Facebook) mandate OAuth.

OAuth integrations involve a client and provider. Conceptually, CiviCRM can play either role -- for example:

  • Client role: A staffer using Civi's case-management system wishes to send email with their professional email account hosted by Google or Microsoft. CiviCRM would be an OAuth client requesting access to Google Mail APIs or Microsoft Exchange APIs.
  • Provider role: A staffer with an iOS/Android app wishes to lookup CiviCRM Event participants. The mobile device is the OAuth client requesting access to CiviCRM's Event APIs.

This chapter briefly examines an OAuth v2 example and highlights key elements which affect system administration. The example will use CiviCRM as a client -- because (at time of writing) this is the only implemented role. Finally, the chapter will also dig into some specific tasks for configuring CiviCRM and OAuth v2.


As a consumer of a typical web application, you may use OAuth2 without being aware of it. What you experience is a redirect between different websites.

In the above example, one visits the website of a small organization, the Dolphin Defense League (green), which acts as the OAuth2 client. It directs the user to a large technology company, Microkookle (yellow), which acts as the OAuth2 provider.

After following this pageflow, the Dolphin site is authorized to send API requests for Mr. Flipper's information. (Specifically, the Dolphin site holds an access token. Whenever a background process needs to work with Mr. Flipper's data, it will use the access token.)

In this flow, we can see a few important variables -- these are the configuration options that you will have to set as an administrator. Let's annotate the pageflow to highlight them.

The blue circles indicate important variables:

  • Client ID: When Dolphin sends the user to Microkookle's authorization page, the URL includes a unique Client ID.

  • Scope: When the user reviews the Authorization page, it shows a list of requested permissions. This is called the "scope" of access. Each permission has a visible description (e.g. "Post to your timefeed") and an invisible machine name (e.g. post_feed).

  • Redirect URL: When the user clicks "Approve", the user is sent to the "Redirect URL" for the Dolphin site.

These variables will need to be matched-up. Both the Dolphin site and Microkookle site have OAuth administration pages, and the goal is to copy values between them. Blue fields indicate where you will typically enter information:

On a conceptual level, the configuration tasks will work the same way in most deployments:

  • On the OAuth2 client, determine the "Redirect URL" and the "Scopes". Copy these to the OAuth2 provider.
  • On the OAuth2 provider, determine the "Client ID" and "Client Secret". Copy these to the OAuth2 client.

In practice, real-world pages will vary. For example: some providers may put all the config information on a single page, and others may split it across multiple pages. If you understand the general steps, then you may be able to figure out the details. However, we discuss a few specific cases below ("Register the connection").

Version history

  • CiviCRM v5.32: Introduced a hidden extension, oauth-client, as part of civicrm-core.
  • CiviCRM v5.33: Promoted the extension, oauth-client, to full visibility.

Enable the module

The CiviCRM OAuth Client is a core extension. Enable it via web interface or command line interface.

Enable via web
  • Login to CiviCRM as administrator
  • Navigate to Administer > System Settings > Extension
  • Find "OAuth Client" and click "Install"
  • Visit the Permissions screen for your CMS and add OAuth permissions for the relevant roles
Enable via command line


  • Open a command-line for the site. (This often requires SSH.)
  • Navigate to the site folder
  • Enable the module

For example:

cd /var/www/
cv en oauth_client

Register the connection

To setup a new connection, you must simultaneously configure the client-side (eg CiviCRM) and the remote provider-side (eg Google or Microsoft). You should plan to open them at the same time (in separate tabs or windows).

We first discuss the CiviCRM side, and then consider a few common providers.

CiviCRM (Client)

For CiviCRM, you can register a connection via web-browser or command-line.

Register in CiviCRM via web browser
  • Navigate to "Administer => System Settings => OAuth"
  • Choose the relevant web-service provider (e.g. gmail or ms-exchange).
  • For a new service, this will open the "Register Client" tab:

  • Note the "Redirect URL" and the list of scopes. Copy these over to the provider's site.

    Question: What if the "Redirect URL" has a warning about HTTP(S)?

    OAuth2 providers often have restrictions on what makes a valid "Redirect URL" -- they often require the use of HTTPS or (as a fallback) they allow HTTP on localhost ( deployments. Other hostnames and IPs may not use HTTP (even if they are private or functionally equivalent).

    Modern, public deployments of CiviCRM should be compliant. However, many internal sites used for development or testing are not. This is likely to happen with virtual-hosts, virtual-networks, and/or virtual-machines. CiviCRM warns if the URL appears non-compliant.

    Here are some alternative options to work-around the restrictions for internal dev/test sites:

    • Enable HTTPS for the internal dev/test site.
    • Change the URL to be strictly http://localhost:NNN or
    • Setup an intermediate URL on http://localhost:NNN. The script ext/oauth-client/bin/ does this automatically.
    • Setup an intermediate URL on a public HTTPS site. Here's a hypothetical example:
      • On the public web server, setup an HTTP direct:
        • From:
        • To: http://my.local:8001/civicrm/oauth/return
      • Update CiviCRM to use the intermediate URL
        cv api setting.create oauthClientRedirectUrl=
      • Use as the "Redirect URL".
  • On the provider's web site, find or initialize the "Client ID" and "Client Secret". Paste these values into the client.

  • If your provider requires a tenant or organisation ID because you are using a dedicated service, this can be entered into the "Tenant ID" field for supported providers.
  • Click "Add".
Register in CiviCRM via command line

Determine the symbolic name of the remote provider:

cv api4 OAuthProvider.get -T +s name,title
| name        | title                      |
| gmail       | Google Mail                |
| ms-exchange | Microsoft Exchange Online  |
| demo        | Local Demo                 |

Determine the scopes needed for this provider:

cv api4 OAuthProvider.get +w name="NAME"
   "name": "demo",
   "options": {
       "scopes": [

Determine the "Redirect URL":

cv ev 'return CRM_OAuth_BAO_OAuthClient::getRedirectUri();'

Copy the "Redirect URL" and "Scopes" to the provider registration page.

Finally, copy back the "Client ID" and "Client Secret". These can be stored:

cv api4 OAuthClient.create +v provider="NAME" +v guid="CLIENT_ID" +v secret="CLIENT_SECRET"

Google Mail (Provider)

The Google Mail integration allows you to register a "Mail Account" hosted by Google for use with CiviCase or CiviMail. Some key links:

Google treats IMAP as a "restricted" API.

Google imposes more restrictions on IMAP applications than most.

You may find that the restrictions quite acceptable if you have a custom Google Apps domain (where both the email-account and the API project are associated with the same domain).

For other arrangements, you may find extra warnings, limits, or verificaton steps.

See also: OAuth API verification FAQs which discuss sensitive and restricted APIs.

After registering OAuth2 details with CiviCRM and Microsoft, you can add an incoming email account.

Microsoft Exchange (Provider)

The Microsoft Exchange Online integration allows you to register a "Mail Account" hosted by Microsoft for use with CiviCase or CiviMail. Some key links:

After registering OAuth2 details with CiviCRM and Microsoft, you can add an incoming email account.

Notes: Instructions for Microsoft/Azure:

  1. Go to Azure Active Directory -> App Registrations:

Azure App Registrations

  1. Register an application: CiviCRM. Single tenant. Redirect URL - get from CiviCRM "Register client" setup page.

  2. "New Registration" -> "Leave all as default".

Azure new registration

  1. Set Client Credentials, Set Redirect URLs.

Azure Set Client credentials

  1. API permissions - select "Microsoft Graph" and grant each permission like this:

Azure Graph permissions

Authorize access to resources

Registering the connection (above) allows your CiviCRM site to connect to the remote provider. Next, you will need to request access to specific resources (such as specific user-accounts or documents).

The steps will depend on what you wish to access. Ideally, there will be targetted documentation such as:

For some use-cases, there may not be additional documentation. This can happen if:

  • You are using a simple OAuth integration which only requires one access token.
  • You are developing/debugging a new integration which is not fully written.

As a fallback, you can use these generic steps to authorize access:

  • Navigate to "Administer => System Settings => OAuth".
  • Choose the relevant web-service provider.
  • You will see a list of any existing tokens. On a new configuration, this list is empty.

  • Click "Add (Auth Code)". This will initiate an OAuth2 Authorization Code Grant.

  • The browser will redirect to the provider's site. The site may prompt for your approval.
  • The browser will redirect back to CiviCRM. You will see an access token was created:

    What does "Inspect" do?

    If you have high enough privileges (super-user or manage OAuth client secrets), then you can inspect the token.

    This reveals the raw token, which you may use to send improvised API/HTTP requests. Additionally, if the token is based on JWT, it can reveal any claims included with the token.

By itself, the access token is inert. To use the token, one must develop or install a suitable extension.