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Payment Processor Implementation

This library provides two helper "traits": - CRM_Core_Payment_MJWTrait - helpers to implement your CRM_Core_Payment_Xx class. - CRM_Core_Payment_MJWIPNTrait - helpers to implement IPN/webhook processing for your payment processor.

The Payment Processor


  public function doPayment(&$params, $component = 'contribute') {
    /* @var \Civi\Payment\PropertyBag $propertyBag */
    $propertyBag = $this->beginDoPayment($params);

    // Set payment pending

    // ... Handle the actual payment / communicate with external servers etc.

    // Payment succeeded?

    return $this->endDoPayment($propertyBag);

changeSubscriptionAmount() (Edit recurring contribution)

  public function changeSubscriptionAmount(&$message = '', $params = []) {
    $propertyBag = $this->beginChangeSubscriptionAmount($params);

    // ... Handle update subscription / communicate with external servers.

    // On error throw exception

    return TRUE;

updateSubscriptionBillingInfo() (Update payment info + address)

  public function updateSubscriptionBillingInfo(&$message = '', $params = []) {
    $propertyBag = $this->beginUpdateSubscriptionBillingInfo($params);

    // ... Handle update billing info / communicate with external servers.

    // On error throw exception

    return TRUE;

doCancelRecurring() (Cancel recurring contribution)

  public function doCancelRecurring(PropertyBag $propertyBag) {
    // By default we always notify the processor and we don't give the user the option
    // because supportsCancelRecurringNotifyOptional() = FALSE
    if (!$propertyBag->has('isNotifyProcessorOnCancelRecur')) {
      // If isNotifyProcessorOnCancelRecur is NOT set then we set our default
    $notifyProcessor = $propertyBag->getIsNotifyProcessorOnCancelRecur();

    if (!$notifyProcessor) {
      return ['message' => E::ts('Successfully cancelled the subscription in CiviCRM ONLY.')];

    if (!$propertyBag->has('recurProcessorID')) {
      $errorMessage = E::ts('The recurring contribution cannot be cancelled (No reference (contribution_recur.processor_id) found).');
      throw new \Civi\Payment\Exception\PaymentProcessorException($errorMessage);

    // ... Handle cancel recurring / communicate with external servers.

    // If we failed to cancel
    if ($failed) {
      throw new \Civi\Payment\Exception\PaymentProcessorException($this->handleError(NULL, 'Failed to cancel'));

    return ['message' => E::ts('Successfully cancelled the subscription at')];

doRefund() (Refund full or partial contribution)

   * Submit a refund payment
   * @param array $params
   *   Assoc array of input parameters for this transaction.
   * @return array
   * @throws \Civi\Payment\Exception\PaymentProcessorException
  public function doRefund(&$params): array {
    $propertyBag = $this->beginDoRefund($params);
    if (!$propertyBag->has('transactionID') || !$propertyBag->has('amount')) {
      $errorMessage = $this->getLogPrefix() . 'doRefund: Missing mandatory parameters: transactionID, amount';
      throw new PaymentProcessorException($errorMessage);

    // Implement code to prepare request and communicate with Payment Processor
    // ...
    // Set $refundTransactionID based on response from Payment Processor
    if ($refundFailed) {
      throw new PaymentProcessorException('Refund failed: ' . $failureMessage);

    // If we didn't throw an exception then refund succeeded.
    $refundParams = [
      'refund_trxn_id' => $refundTransactionID,
      'refund_status' => 'Completed',
      'fee_amount' => 0,
    return $refundParams;