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Attachment Types

Adding attachments of different types can be made available by defining attachment type classes implementing an interface, each with implementations of properties and processing logic:

  • Form elements (e.g. configuration parameters for dynamic file generation, or information about where to retrieve a file from), along with an optional form template (for more advanced forms)
  • Form processing, i.e. passing the form elements' values on to the next step
  • Attachment generation, i.e. either generating the attachment file or retrieving information about existing files and passing those on to CiviCRM e-mail processing

Each attachment type defines which CiviCRM entities it is supposed to provide attachments for, e.g. it only makes sense to generate contribution invoices for contributions, or iCal files for events, while documents generated off of a message template makes sense for all entities that have a contact associated.

The extension provides the following attachment types on its own:

  • File on Server: Allows users to provide the path to an existing file, optionally with contact, contribution, or participant IDs being replaced for separate documents per entity
  • Contribution Invoice: Generates invoices for contributions

Extensions known to provide attachment types for this framework (feel free to submit your implementations to be listed here):

  • Custom Event Communication:
    • iCalendar file for events
    • Message Template as PDF for events (migrated their own implementation with more event-related information in additional Smarty variables)
  • CiviOffice:
    • CiviOffice Document for many CiviCRM entities (meant as a replacement for message templates using office suite integrations)

Extensions known to implement this framework, allowing to add attachments to e-mail:

  • Custom Event Communication: Sending highly configurable e-mail depending on event participant status changes and roles, and with a participant search task
  • MailBatch: Sending e-mail to batches of contacts and contributions without CiviCRM's limit of 50 records and without having to use CiviCRM Mailings