
The RunEvent (EVENT_RUN) fires as soon as FlexMailer begins processing a job.

CiviMail has a recurring task -- Job.process_mailings -- which identifies scheduled/pending mailings. It determines the Mailing and MailingJob records, then passes control to FlexMailer to perform delivery. FlexMailer immediately fires the RunEvent.

RunEvent fires for each cron-run.

By default, FlexMailer uses DefaultBatcher which obeys the traditional CiviMail throttling behavior. This can limit the number of deliveries performed within a single cron-run. If you reach this limit, then it stops execution. However, after 5 or 10 minutes, a new cron-run begins. It passes control to FlexMailer again, and then we pick up where we left off. This means that one Mailing and one MailingJob could require multiple cron-runs.

The RunEvent would fire for every cron run.

To listen to the RunEvent:

function example_civicrm_container($container) {
  $container->addResource(new \Symfony\Component\Config\Resource\FileResource(__FILE__));
    array(\Civi\FlexMailer\FlexMailer::EVENT_RUN, '_example_run')

function _example_run(\Civi\FlexMailer\Event\RunEvent $event) {
  printf("Starting work on job #%d for mailing #%d\n", $event->getJob()->id, $event->getMailing()->id);

Stopping the RunEvent will stop FlexMailer.

If you call $event->stopPropagation(), this will cause FlexMailer to stop its delivery process.