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This hook is called when getting case email subject patterns.


All emails related to cases have case hash/id in the subject, e.g:

[case #ab12efb] Magic moment
[case #1234] Magic is here

Using this hook you can replace/enrich default list with some other patterns, e.g. include case type categories (see CiviCase extension).

This hook is called in CRM_Utils_Mail_CaseMail class, which is meant to be the single source of truth for case email subject patterns. You should always use CRM_Utils_Mail_CaseMail->getSubjectPatterns() or CRM_Utils_Mail_CaseMail->isCaseEmail() to handle email subject processing.




  • array $subjectPatterns - the list of case email subject regex patterns.


function civitest_civicrm_caseEmailSubjectPatterns(&$subjectPatterns) {
    // Case email subject have 'case' label at the beginning, so we could
    // just use it for further processing, but if you want to avoid using
    // hardcoded values, you can do this:
    $mailUtils = new CRM_Utils_Mail_CaseMail();
    $caseLabel = $mailUtils->get('caseLabel');

    // Add case type category names to patterns, so civicrm would
    // treat them as case emails too. After this loop $subjectPatterns would
    // look like this: array(
    //   '/\[(case|project|policy initiative) #([0-9a-f]{7})\]/i',
    //   '/\[(case|project|policy initiative) #(\d+)\]/i',
    // ).
    // (Hardcoded category names are used in this example for the sake of
    // simplicity, but I guess you know how to handle it in your code)
    foreach ($subjectPatterns as &$pattern) {
        $pattern = str_replace($caseLabel, '(' . $caseLabel . '|project|policy initiative)', $pattern);