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the following actions can be used in Civi Banking Plugins. Not every action can be used everywhere. For Importer examples reference importer actions

name description Importer RegexAnalyser
set Sets a variable by reading from an Bank transaction XMl,CSV yes
amount Similar to set, but used when its known that the variable is an amount. Replaces all "," with "." XMl,CSV
amountparse Similar to set, but used when its known that the variable is an amount. Removes thousand seperator dots and commas. Then Replaces all "," with "." CSV
strtotime Similar to set, but used for datetimes XMl,CSV
align_date Align a date forwards or backwards by 1 Day align_date:backwards -1 Day, default +1 Day XMl,CSV yes
replace This action is doing an in-place replacement of a string into another string. The source string is specified directly after the replace string. The replacement string is specified directly after the source string. XMl,CSV
regex Similar to set, but using a regular expression for extracting specific pieces of information CSV
trim Takes out a given character from a given string XMl,CSV yes
append Appends on variable after another, seperated by a character defined in type XMl,CSV
unset Removes a variable from the namespace XML yes
format Formats a variable using the sprintf function. XMl,CSV
constant Assigns a value to a variable XMl,CSV
calculate runs a PHP expression (CAUTION!) yes
copy copies the attribute value to another attribute CSV
copy_append appends the value to an existing attribute yes
copy_ltrim_zeros copies and removes leading zeros yes
lookup copies the attribute value to another attribute yes
map maps from the matched value to a new value yes
preg_replace substitutes part of the string using a regular expression yes
strtolower converts characters to lower case yes
sha1 reduce to SHA1 checksum yes
sprint: format data yes
api: Look up parameters via API call yes

Flow of Control

name description CSV Importer XML Importer
if the action of a group only happens if evalutes True equalto, matches =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,IN,!IN

Project 60 Data Model

The following concepts are represented (entities are written without the leading civicrm_):

entity name shortcode description
bank_transaction BTX an individual movement in a bank statement (for a semantic discussion on the terms payment, refund, ... see the detailed description of this entity)
bank_account BA an individual bank account
bank_account_reference BAR an external reference for an individual bank account
bank_transaction_batch BTXB a set of bank transactions, typically from a single bank statement


Represents a single bank transaction (BTX), ie. an entry in the communication from the bank concerning things that happen to the bank account. Could be a money transfer into/out of the BA, a message saying there is interest to be booked, ...

field type key description
id int(11) PK unique auto-incrementing reference
ba_id int(11) FK link to (internal / target / recipient account)
type_id int(11) FK links to a type (one of a set of btxtypes)
value_date date describes the moment the value of this transaction(BTX) was added to the BA balance
booking_date date execution date of the transaction(BTX)
amount decimal(20,2) amount of the transaction(BTX)
currency varchar(3) currency of the transaction(BTX)
status int(11) FK link to a set of status values : new, identified, processed, ignored
data_raw text the complete information that was received for this transaction(BTX)
data_parsed text a JSON-formatted array of decoded fields (built by the specific plugin)
party_ba_id int(11) FK link to civicrm_bank_account:id if there is a second party involved in the transaction (BTX) (typically in case of transfer type BTX)
sequence int(11) a relative reference inside its originating source batch (requires the batch to be identified)
tx_batch_id int(11) FK to the originating batch (not sure whether the batch_entity does not take care of this)
bank_reference varchar(64) a unique external reference used by the bank, stored for reconciliation and integrity maintenance purposes. Every import plugin MUST provide such a reference, even if it generates a hash value of sorts.

!!! v2 might have a n:n link between types and transactions, effectively implementing some sort of tagging. If we are able to create a tagset that is used for BTX, we could directly use this functionality (using entity_tag). Either way, for now, the API/BAO can return the types as an array of one.


Most bank_account records will describe parties (ie. people paying money to the organization). They will have the basic fields :

field type key description
id int(11) PK unique auto-incrementing reference
data_raw text the information found in the latest transaction (BTX)relating to this account (BA) (typically as a party) describing the identity/ies of its owner(s), like address information
data_parsed text a JSON-formatted array of decoded fields (built by the specific plugin)
contact_id int(11) FK link to civicrm_contact:id describing the owner of the bank account (BA)
create_date date
modified_date date
description varchar(255) a human readable description of the bank account (BA), eg.'Online donation account'

In Belgium, bank statements contain address info, but other countries have different practices. We'll remove the address_id previously modeled for two reasons : (1) we can store it in the parsed blob and (2) CiviCRM addresses are currently hardwired to link to a contact, and we do not want to create another type of contact for a bank account.

The description will mainly be useful for managed bank accounts (accounts for which bank input is expected), but may also be used to allow a donor to 'name' their accounts using an online account profile.


We will allow for different references for a single bank account (such as IBAN, BIC and BBAN), so we'll use a table which maps n:n with references / type tuples.

field type key description
id int(11) PK unique auto-incrementing reference
reference varchar(64) the reference with which the bank account (BA) is identified (IBAN, BBAN, ...)
reference_type int the type of account reference (IBAN, BBAN, BIC ...) from an enum value
ba_id int FK


Information coming from banks We'll assume every set of transactions belongs to a sort of bank statement. This ensures we maintain some form of integrity of the data. Bank statements will typically be easy to wrap in this model. Manual input of a bank statement would be a case similar to an imported bank statement.

field type key description
id int(11) PK unique auto-incrementing reference
issue_date datetime when the statement was issued
reference varchar(32) human readable version of the statement reference (if available)
sequence int used by the import plugin responsible for maintaining integrity
starting_balance decimal(20,2)
ending_balance decimal(20,2)
tx_count int
starting_date datetime used for user identification / documentation purpose only
ending_date datetime used for user identification / documentation purpose only
currency varchar(3)

Information from accounting systems Exports from accounting systems may or may not work with a sequence validation. The main difference is that contrary to a bank statement, the group itself does not contain validation information to avoid duplicates.