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Contribution Page

The first request is what contribution page are you going to use?

The contribution page must be set up in CiviContribute first. Visit Creating Contribution Pages

You must also have your Payment Processor set up. Visit Payment Processors

alt screenshot of Contribution Page

Next, we need to provide what type of information we are collecting about this contribution


Contribution Amount allows the user to input the amount they want to contribute.

Payment Processor is how this payment will be processed.

Contribution Note allows the user to add additional information.

Payment Processor Mode allows you to select between live or test transactions.

Contribution Source

More information on Soft Credit To and In Honor of visit the CiviCRM User Guide.

Recurring Contribution

If you want to offer recurring contributions, you must first ensure your payment porcessor supports this type of transaction. More information can be found in the CiviCRM User Guide.

Frequency of Installments

Number of Installments

Interval of Installments

Custom Fields

If you have defined any Custom Fields in CiviCRM on Contribution they will show up here. More information on Custom Fields is available in the CiviCRM User Guide

Add Dynamically

Additional Line Items


With our choices, our webform now looks like this

alt screenshot of Contribution View

alt screenshot of Contribution View


These are how our elements look on the build page

alt screenshot of Contribution Build


Let's test the webform now and this is what it looks like populated with responses.

alt screenshot of Contribution Test

alt screenshot of Contribution Test

alt screenshot of Contribution Test


YAML is found under Build > Source

  '#type': flexbox
    '#type': textfield
    '#contact_type': individual
    '#form_key': civicrm_1_contact_1_contact_first_name
      width: 20
    '#parent': civicrm_1_contact_1_fieldset_fieldset
    '#title': 'First Name'
    '#type': textfield
    '#contact_type': individual
    '#form_key': civicrm_1_contact_1_contact_last_name
      width: 20
    '#parent': civicrm_1_contact_1_fieldset_fieldset
    '#title': 'Last Name'
    '#type': email
    '#form_key': civicrm_1_contact_1_email_email
      width: 20
    '#parent': civicrm_1_contact_1_fieldset_fieldset
    '#title': Email
  '#type': fieldset
  '#title': Activity
  '#form_key': civicrm_1_activity_1_fieldset_fieldset
  '#type': wizard_page
  '#form_key': contribution_pagebreak
  '#title': Payment
    '#type': hidden
    '#expose_list': true
    '#empty_option': None
      hidden_type: hidden
    '#parent': contribution_pagebreak
    '#form_key': civicrm_1_contribution_1_contribution_contribution_page_id
    '#value': '2'
    '#title': 'Contribution Page'
    '#type': number
    '#parent': contribution_pagebreak
    '#data_type': Money
      field_prefix: $
      point: .
      separator: ','
      decimals: 2
      min: 0
    '#form_key': civicrm_1_contribution_1_contribution_total_amount
    '#title': 'Contribution Amount'
    '#type': textarea
    '#parent': contribution_pagebreak
    '#form_key': civicrm_1_contribution_1_contribution_note
    '#extra': {  }
    '#title': 'Contribution Note'
    '#type': textfield
    '#parent': contribution_pagebreak
    '#form_key': civicrm_1_contribution_1_contribution_source
      width: 20
    '#title': 'Contribution Source'