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This chapter will help you to set up CiviCampaign so that you can track related activities such as contributions, surveys, and mailings that are part of a particular campaign or project.

Enable CiviCampaign

First, you need to enable the CiviCampaign component.

  1. Go to Administer > System Settings > Components.
  2. Select CiviCampaign and click Enable then Save

Once CiviCampaign is enabled, it will show up as the new menu item Campaigns located along the top of your CiviCRM screen.

Add a new campaign type

CiviCampaign provides three default campaign types:

  • Direct Mail
  • Referral Program
  • Constituent Engagement

You can add any campaign type that is appropriate for your work (and disable those that aren't).

To add a new campaign type:

  1. Go to Administer > CiviCampaign > Campaign Types.
  2. This will display a list of existing campaign types:

    column headers are: label, value (unique number), description, order, reserved, enabled (yes or no)

  3. Click on Add Campaign Type, and give the new type a label and a description (optional).

  4. Optionally, change the default weight: this affects the order in which this new event type appears in drop-down menus (smallest numbers appear highest).
  5. Click Save.

The next time you add a new campaign, this campaign type will be available to assign to your new campaign.

Campaign status

Assigning a status to your campaign allows you to internally track which stage a given campaign is in.

  1. Go to Administer > CiviCampaign > Campaign Status. The default statuses are Planned, In Progress, Completed, and Cancelled.
  2. Click Add Campaign Status, give it a name and, optionally, a description.
  3. Changing the weight is not necessary but will affect the order in which this new status appears in drop-down menus.
  4. Click Save and the new status will then be available to assign to campaigns.

overview of campaign statuses. Column headers are: label, value, description, order, reserved (yes or no), enabled (yes or no)

Engagement index

CiviCampaign allows you to track an individual's level of interest/engagement in a particular activity. The Engagement Index can be recorded for general activities or actions, i.e. Send an Email, Meeting, Phone Call, Interview, and any additional custom activities/actions you create. To find out more about how to record an activity to an individual, see Contacts in the Organising Your Data section.

To configure the Engagement Index:

  1. Go to Administer > CiviCampaign > Engagement Index.
  2. Configure the engagement index as a number, e.g. 1 is a high level of engagement, and 5 is low level of engagement.

This information can supplement your outreach employees' or organizers' assessment of member engagement/interest in your organization.

overview of engagement index options. Columns headers are: label, value, description, order, reserved (yes or no), enabled (yes or no). Each option can be edited, disabled, or deleted.