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These API calls must only be used in specific circumstances and you should always backup your database first.


This is run as part of the upgrade process to 1.8.9. Running it again triggers the conversion again and will overwrite the new settings with any values found in civicrm_gift_aid_submission_setting.


This is useful for debugging and outputs the raw XML that is generated when submitting a batch to HMRC.

It can be run at any point once you've created the batch as it does not record anything in CiviCRM or send anything to HMRC.


  • batch_id: The ID of the batch (visible on the "Online Submission" page).


In some cases the batch will be submitted but later rejected by HMRC. You may be notified a few weeks later by post or email and advised that you will need to submit the batch again.

In this case you can use this API to set the batch as available to "resubmit" via the "Online Submission" page.


In the case that you submitted a batch manually (eg. downloading a CSV and submitting via the HMRC portal) you can use this API to mark the batch as "Submitted" in CiviCRM so that you do not have pending batches in CiviCRM that have already been submitted.


  • batch_id: The ID of the batch (visible on the "Online Submission" list of batches).