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Reconciling Transactions

If some of the data held at Smart Debit does not match what is in CiviCRM you may need to perform manual reconciliation.

Getting started

Click on Administer->Smart Debit->Reconcile Transactions

Now you will see a page like this:reconciliation overview

If you have no mandates synchronised to CiviCRM you will be prompted to do so, otherwise check that the number shown is realistic.


  1. Select the appropriate options and click confirm:
  2. If you get any errors at this point you should record the error and contact your support team.

Filter: With Contact in CiviCRM and has Amount

  1. Click "Fix Me" next to the record (Screenshot 1).

  2. Follow the steps in the wizard to select a membership and recurring transaction (Screenshot 2). If there is no membership you can either:

    • Create one and run the wizard again.

    • Select Donation to create a direct debit without a membership.

  3. Once everything has been reconciled, run the Manual Sync (Administer->SmartDebit->Manual Sync), specifying a date to sync from. This will sync all records that you just reconciled for that time period (the same sync can be run as many times as you like).

Filter: With No Contact in CiviCRM and has Amount

Filter: With No Contact in CiviCRM and no Amount

Filter: With Contact in CiviCRM and no Amount

  1. Find the contact record in CiviCRM (try searching by surname).

  2. Note the "Contact ID" from CiviCRM.

  3. In the Smartdebit admin dashboard:

    a) Search for the "Transaction ID".

    b) Replace the Customer ID with the CiviCRM "Contact ID" by editing "Payer Details".

    c) Update/Amend "Payment Details" to make sure the correct amounts are set.

  4. In CiviCRM Smartdebit Reconciliation: Click "Refresh Mandates" at the top of the page (You can update multiple records via steps 1-3 before doing this to save time).

  5. Follow steps for "With Contact in CiviCRM and has Amount".


Screenshot 1

reconciliation select

Select Membership/Recurring transactions to use for reconciliation.

Screenshot 2

reconciliation confirm

Confirm transactions to use for reconciliation.