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After installing the extension, make sure your CiviRemote Tools settings are configured according to your needs (refer to the documentation provided in de.systopia.remotetools). Then proceed with the general configuration:

  • Navigate to » Administer » CiviEvent » CiviRemote Event - General Configuration (/civicrm/admin/remoteevent/settings).
  • Define which participant status will block re-registration for your events (e.g., rejected) and specify which roles you want to assign to speakers.
  • Suppress workshop/session data if you do not use this feature.
  • Select the activity type for changes in participation data.
  • Configure the default matcher profile you would like to use (XCM-Extension). If using registration updates, ensure the XCM profile has the Match contacts by contact ID option activated to prevent duplicate contacts when updating event registrations.
  • Enter the URLs to be used for registrations, modifications, and cancellations, depending on the external system you use. If you use the CiviRemote Drupal module, you may use:

After completing the general configuration, visit the new "Remote Online Registration" tab within CiviCRM's event configuration UI. This tab provides several options and settings under the "Online-Registration (CiviRemote)" and "Workshops" sections. Notably, you can decide whether to use the remote event features, disable native CiviCRM online registration, use alternative event locations, or use external identification for your event.

You will find two segments for registration profiles: one for initial registration and another for editing registrations. The labels and help pop-ups should provide sufficient information to understand your options.

The "Registration Restrictions" section allows you to configure when registration is available, whether a registration requires manual review, and if participants can cancel or modify their own registrations.

The "Additional Participants" feature allows you to add a group of people with a single registration. This results in a form where the participant can add up to 9 additional participants using increase/decrease buttons. For these additional participants, a separate form can be selected to collect only names and email addresses, while the main participant provides more information. You can also select a specific XCM configuration for contact matching. In the participation overview, you can see who was added along with the main participant.

The "Public Event Text Blocks" can be used by your external system to display information at appropriate places during the registration process. How and when this information is presented to your constituents depends on the design of your external system.

CiviCRM's other basic event settings still apply and may be used in your external system, including title, descriptions, start and end dates, maximum number of participants, waitlist settings, etc.

Alternative Event Location Settings

If the default event location feature is insufficient, you can choose to use the alternative event location feature. If you do, CiviCRM's regular event location tab will be hidden, and a custom tab will appear. In this custom tab, you can choose a contact with the subtype "event location" (the subtype is created when installing the extension). You can also provide specific information for the event location, such as room number or travel instructions.

The API will then make the chosen event location's basic data available, including its name, address, geo data, and additional information for the event. This information can be displayed and used by the external system.