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Payment Shared library

This library is used by all payment processors by MJW and other extensions.

It provides multiple functions such as APIs, refund UI, shared code and a compatibility layer to support multiple versions of CiviCRM without requiring explicit support in the payment processor.

The main "goals" of this extension are: - Provide an abstraction layer between CiviCRM core and payment extensions so that we don't have to write and maintain the same code in every extension. - Provide a compatibility layer between CiviCRM core and payment extensions so that we don't force sites to upgrade CiviCRM core versions just to keep their Payment Processor working. (Generally we target a minimum CiviCRM core version based on the last security release). - Provide a "staging" environment for proving new APIs / interfaces that should eventually become a standard part of CiviCRM core. - Provide a rapid way of fixing bugs in Payment Processing without forcing a CiviCRM core update (eg. we can issue a new release of "Payment Shared" containing a workaround for bugs in specific versions of CiviCRM core).



This job processes new webhook events in the civicrm_paymentprocessor_webhook table.

  • Run: Always
  • Domain-specific: YES. This job MUST be run on every domain you have setup if using multisite/multidomain.

Support and Maintenance

This extension is supported and maintained by:

MJW Consulting

We offer paid support and development as well as a troubleshooting/investigation service.