Reference: is written plainly about what is available and how to work with it. APIs etc.
The civicrm/inlay-api
http end point is primarily there for Javascript use,
but at times you may need to use it in another language. Example: the
grassroots petition inlay
uses this to pre-render a list of petitions.
POST vs GET requests¶
POST should be used whenever the request has side effects, e.g. changes data. GET is useful for fetching cachable resources.
Both require passing an Origin:
header with a configured allowed origin.
Both pass data as a JSON object which must contain the publicID
key to
identify the inlay intance that should handle the request. The rest of the
request body is up to the inlay in question.
Using httpie¶
httpie is a great command line interface for http requests. e.g. for a POST request you can specify simple key:value pairs as arguments and they will be converted to a JSON object in the body.
http Origin: publicID=4cd37771f769 other=data
GET request...
inlayJSON='{"publicID": "4cd37771f769", "other":"data"}'
http GET Origin: inlayJSON=="$inlayJSON"
Using Guzzle¶
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
$body = [
'publicID' => 'ea601bdb6105', // your inlay's ID
// Whataever else your inlay expects/supports.
$g = new Client([
'base_uri' => '',
'http_errors' => FALSE, // don't get exceptions from guzzle requests.
// GET request...
$response = $g->request('get', '', [
'query' => ['inlayJSON' => json_encode($body)],
'headers' => [
'Origin' => '',
// POST request...
$response = $g->request('post', '', [
'body' => json_encode($body),
'headers' => [
'Origin' => '',
$json_returned = ($response->hasHeader('Content-Type')
&& preg_match('@^application/(problem\+)?json\b@i', $response->getHeader('Content-Type')[0]));
if ($json_returned) {
// OK
$data = json_decode($response->getBody(), TRUE);
// Do something with $data
else {
// Handle error.