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Form Protection

This provides various ways to help protect forms from spammers:


Based on

Flood control

Based on


  • v2 "I'm not a robot" (replaces the one shipped with CiviCRM core).
  • v3.

If you are using the Stripe payment processor ReCAPTCHA will also be used to help mitigate card testing attacks if it is enabled.


Configure via Administer->System Settings->Form Protection Settings

Integration with Firewall

When using Firewall v1.6.0+, this extension will log FormprotectionEvents in the Firewall, which will block a user's IP address after too many failed attempts. See the Firewall documentation for more information.

Support and Maintenance

This extension is supported and maintained by:

MJW Consulting

We offer paid support and development as well as a troubleshooting/investigation service.