CiviDiscount provides the ability to add discounts to event registrations and membership contributions within CiviCRM.
CiviDiscount is designed to allow discounts of a set percentage or dollar amount through the use of a custom discount code or applied automatically based on specific criteria.
- Custom or randomly generated discount codes.
- Usage limit
- Schedule start and end dates the code is valid.
- Support for price sets and individual items in a price set
- Custom message for invalid codes
- Option to apply discounts to additional participants
- Discounts valid for specific events or event types
- Discounts valid for specific membership types
- Discounts valid for price set options for contributions in general (only on contribution pages)
- Automatic discounts applied for specific members types or statuses
- Automatic discounts applied to contacts based on type, age, country or custom fields.
- Code summary screen displays usage for a given discount code
- Usage and assigned code tabs on a contact record