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This hook is called after a search is done, allowing you to modify the headers and/or the values that are displayed as part of the search.


The result files are CRM/{Contact,Contribute,Member,Event…}/Form/Selector.tpl.

Sorting: as shown in the examples, if you are replacing columns with different values then you should unset the 'sort' parameter. Leaving it set will sort the rows by the original column values but display the new column values and therefore appear to be sorting incorrectly.


hook_civicrm_searchColumns( $objectName, &$headers, &$rows, &$selector )


  • $objectName - the object for this search - activity, campaign, case, contact, contribution, event, grant, membership, relationship and pledge are supported.
  • $headers - array (reference) - the list of column headers, an associative array with keys: ( name, sort, order )
  • $rows - array (reference) - the list of values, an associate array with fields that are displayed for that component
  • $selector - array (reference) - the selector object. Allows you access to the context of the search


  • null


function civitest_civicrm_searchColumns( $objectName, &$headers,  &$values, &$selector ) {

    if ( $objectName == 'contact' ) {

        // Lets move a few header around, and overwrite stuff we dont need

        // move email to postal slot
        $headers[5] = $headers[7];

        // move phone to country slot
        $headers[6] = $headers[8];

        // lets change the title of the last two columns to fields we need
        $headers[7]['name'] = 'Source';
        unset( $headers[7]['sort'] );

        $headers[8]['name'] = 'Job Title';
        unset( $headers[8]['sort'] );

        foreach ( $values as $id => $value ) {
            $result = civicrm_api( 'Contact', 'GetSingle',
                                   array( 'version' => 3,
                                          'id' => $value['contact_id'],
                                          'return.contact_source' => 1,
                                          'return.job_title' => 1 ) );

            // store this value so it gets passed to the template
            $values[$id]['source'] = $result['contact_source'];
            $values[$id]['job_title'] = $result['job_title'];

    if ( $objectName == 'Contribute' ) {
        // rename type to total amount
        foreach ( $headers as $id => $header ) {
            if ( $header['name'] == 'Type' ) {
                $headers[$id]['name'] = 'Total';
                unset( $headers[$id]['sort'] );

        foreach ( $values as $id => $value ) {
            $sql = "
SELECT SUM(total_amount)
FROM   civicrm_contribution
WHERE  contact_id = %1
            $values[$id]['total'] = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery( $sql,
                   array( 1 => array( $value['contact_id'],
                                      'Integer' ) ) );
            // this is cheating, but allows us NOT to modify the template
            // override the values that we are not using
            $values[$id]['contribution_type'] = $values[$id]['total'];

Example to add new column header at desired place

function civitest_civicrm_searchColumns( $objectName, &$headers,  &$values, &$selector ) {

  if ($objectName == 'contribution') {

    // if you want to place your new column say 'Balance Due' after 'Total Amount'
    foreach ($columnHeaders as $index => $column) {

      // search for the machine name of 'Total Amount' column
      if (!empty($column['field_name']) && $column['field_name'] == 'total_amount') {

        // if you want to insert after 'total_amount' header then
        //  increase the weight by N (here 4)
        $weight = $column['weight'] + 4;
        $columnHeaders[] = array(
          'name' => ts('Balance Due'),
          'field_name' => 'balance_due',
          'weight' => $weight,

          // set the values for 'Balance Due' column
          foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
            $balanceDue = CRM_Core_BAO_FinancialTrxn::getPartialPaymentWithType(
            $values[$key]['balance_due'] = sprintf("<b>%s</b>", CRM_Utils_Money::format($balanceDue));

      } // end of foreach
