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Legacy schema definition in XML

Archived Legacy Information

Prior to CiviCRM v5.74, entities (aka database tables) were defined using xml to generate php DAO files. As of 5.75, they are now defined in entityType.php files. This page is for archival purposes.

Migration from XML

Although CiviCRM no longer uses xml-generated DAO files, it will continue to support older extensions that do so. A migration path has been added to civix to auto-convert xml schema files to the new format. See

Archived Page

The following is an archive of the schema xml documentation. The information is not current:

The database structure for core (as well as any schema defined for extensions) is defined in a series of XML files (example). These files are not packaged in the releases but are available in the GitHub repository. They are located in /xml/schema. All the folders within the schema directory also have matching folders in the main /CRM folder which contain the DAOs and BAOs.


A GenCode script (which calls the CRM_Core_CodeGen_Main class) performs the magic of translating the XML files to the DAO PHP classes and the database table creation SQL scripts civicrm.mysql and civicrm_data.mysql in the /sql folder. To update any DAO file you need to update the relevant XML and then run php Gencode.php from the XML directory (civibuild create will also do this, albeit rebuilding your whole dev site)

Looking in /xml/schema/Pledge as an example we see 4 files:

  • files.xml
  • Pledge.xml
  • PledgePayment.xml
  • PledgeBlock.xml

The files.xml is just a list of the other files. Each of the other files describes a table in the database, defining both table-level and field-level metadata including foreign keys and indexes:

  <comment>SMS History can be linked to any object in the application.</comment>
  ... etc

An example of a field definition is:

    <title>Total Pledged</title>
    <comment>Total pledged amount.</comment>

The rest of the page specifies the valid tags (and their allowable values) for use when defining schema.


Tags acceptable within <table>

Tag Contains Example Acceptable
<base> text CRM/Contribute 1 The directory containing the PHP class file
<class> text Contribution 1 The name of the PHP class file without the extension
<name> text civicrm_contribution 1 The full table name in MySQL with prefix
<title> text Contribution 1 The name of the entity, will be show in UI if <html> / <label> not specified
<titlePlural> text Contributions 1 The name of the entity in plural - displayed in search kit
<comment> text 0 or 1 A description of the purpose of the table
<archive> true/false 0 or 1 Not yet documented
<log> true/false 0 or 1 Log changes to civicrm_log table (if logging not enabled and a reference to civicrm_contact is discernable)
<field> tags 1+
<index> tags 0+
<primaryKey> tags 0+
<foreignKey> tags 0+
<dynamicForeignKey> tags 0+ See notes below

<table> / <field>

Tags acceptable within <table> / <field>

Tag Contains Example Acceptable
<name> text total_amount 1 The machine name of the field
<uniqueName> text 0 or 1 Used to prevent name conflicts in the advanced search. Should only be used for core entities
<title> text Total amount 1 The human-readable name of the field
<type> text 1 See notes below
<length> integer 0 or 1 The max number of characters to allow in the field
<default> mixed 0 or 1 A default value for this field to take when creating new records
<comment> text 0 or 1 A description of the purpose of the field
<headerPattern> regex 0 or 1 Not yet documented
<dataPattern> regex 0 or 1 Not yet documented
<required> true/false 0 or 1 When false, MySQL will allow this field to be set to NULL
<readonly> true/false 0 or 1 Designates a field as not writeable by the user
<localizable> true/false 0 or 1 If true, in a multilingual site the field will have separate per-language fields. See this link when adjusting localizable or adding localizable fields
<import> true/false 0 or 1 When true, this field will be available for use when importing data
<export> true/false 0 or 1 When true, users will be able to include this field in data exports
<rule> text 0 or 1 Not yet documented
<usage> tags 0 or 1 Whether this field is used in import, export, duplicate matching and/or tokens
<value> 0 or 1 Not yet documented. Used rarely. Probably not a valid tag
<values> 0 or 1 (deprecated) List of values for enum type. Now we use the option values table instead.
<collate> text utf8_bin 0 or 1 Only needs to be set if you want something other than utf8_unicode_ci
<html> tags 0 or 1 Settings for the form element to use for this field. The field will not be available in Form Builder unless <html><type> is specified.
<pseudoconstant> tags 0 or 1 See notes below
<serialize> text 0 or 1 Method to serialize array data. For new fields use JSON
<crmType> text CRM_Utils_Type::T_STRING 0 or 1 Primarily used by extensions to specify an acceptable for type as under the CRM_Utils_Type class where the MySQL column type doesn't match directly to one.
<phpType> text string 0 or 1 Extensions can override this with a specific format of PHP type of data.
<component> text CiviCase 0 or 1 The field is visible to APIv4 only when the component is enabled.
<permission> mixed administer civicrm 0 or 1 Determines access to this field by permission (APIv4)

<type> should be one of the following values which correspond to MySQL data types

  • blob, boolean, char, datetime, date, decimal, float, int, int unsigned, longtext, mediumblob, text, timestamp, varchar

<serialize> can be one of the following values PHP, JSON, SEPARATOR_BOOKEND, SEPARATOR_TRIMMED, COMMA. The Accepted values can be found in CRM_Core_DAO Class

<permission> can contain:

  • A single permission name, e.g. <permission>administer CiviCRM</permission>
  • An <or> tag, with a comma separated list of permission names, any of which will grant access e.g.
    <permission><or>administer CiviCRM,cms:administer users</or></permission>

<table> / <field> / <html>

Tags acceptable within <table> / <field> / <html>

Tag Contains Acceptable when
type =
<type> text 1 Acceptable values listed below. Required by Form Builder.
<rows> integer TextArea 0 or 1 The height of the text area (in characters)
<cols> integer TextArea 0 or 1 The width of the text area (in characters)
<size> integer Text 0 or 1 The width of the text box (in characters)
<formatType> text Select Date 0 or 1 Not yet documented
<multiple> integer Select 0 or 1 Not yet documented
<label> text 0 or 1 To be shown in UI, <title> will be used if not present

<type> acceptable values:

  • ChainSelect - Not yet documented
  • CheckBox - A check box
  • Checkbox (used rarely, probably not a valid value)
  • EntityRef - Mostly used for contact_id fields, not yet documented fully
  • file - Choose a file to upload
  • Radio - A set of radio buttons
  • RichTextEditor - A rich text editor
  • Select Date - A widget to enter a date
  • Select - Choose from a list of options (commonly used with pseudoconstant fields)
  • TextArea - Multi-line text field
  • TexArea (used rarely, probably not a valid value)
  • Text - Single-line text field

<formatType> acceptable values:

  • activityDateTime
  • activityDate
  • birth

<table> / <field> / <pseudoconstant>

Pseudoconstant settings tells the code how to determine the valid options for the field value. There is one tag to denote how to load the options in apiv4.

Tag Contains Example Acceptable
<prefetch> bool FALSE 1 Should the options for these fields be pre-fetched for UI elements. This defaults to TRUE but can be set to FALSE where it is likely there will be many options

The options must be specified by using one of the following three methodologies:

Using the civicrm_option_value table

With this methodology, the acceptable field values are taken from rows in the civicrm_option_value for a given option group.

Tags acceptable within <table> / <field> / <pseudoconstant>

Tag Contains Example Acceptable
<optionGroupName> text campaign_type 1 The option group name from
<keyColumn> text name 0 or 1 The column in civicrm_option_value which contains values that match this field. If this tag is omitted, the value column will be used.

Using an arbitrary table

With this methodology, the acceptable field values are taken from <keyColumn> in <table>, with some extra settings that make it different from your typical foreign key.

Tags acceptable within <table> / <field> / <pseudoconstant>

Tag Contains Example Acceptable
<table> text civicrm_campaign 1 The name of the referenced table containing the values
<keyColumn> text id 1 The column in the referenced table which contains values that match this field
<labelColumn> text full_name 1 The column in the referenced table which contains a human-readable variant of the value
<nameColumn> text iso_code 0 or 1 Optionally, the column in the referenced table which contains a machine-readable name of the value.
<condition> SQL parent_id IS NULL 0 or 1 Extra SQL to add in a WHERE clause that will further limit the possible options


In some cases, <keyColumn> will reference a column containing integers and <nameColumn> will reference a column containing values like "Individual". Setting <nameColumn> in these cases allows us to use specify "Individual" when making API calls.

Using a callback function

With this methodology, the acceptable field values are taken from a PHP callback function.

Tags acceptable within <table> / <field> / <pseudoconstant>

Tag Contains Example Acceptable
<callback> text CRM_Core_SelectValues::eventDate 1 Static reference to a function in the codebase

<table> / <field> / <usage>

Tags acceptable within <table> / <field> / <usage>

Tag Contains Example Acceptable
<import> bool FALSE 0 or 1 Whether this field can be used for import
<export> bool FALSE 0 or 1 Whether this field can be used for export
<duplicate_matching> bool FALSE 0 or 1 Whether this field can be used for duplicate matching
<token> bool FALSE 0 or 1 Whether this field can be used for tokens

<table> / <index>

Tags acceptable within <table> / <index>

Tag Contains Example Acceptable
<name> text 1 Follows the pattern index_fieldname_anotherfieldname
<fieldName> text 1+ The name of the field to use for this index
<unique> true/false 0 or 1 When true, the values in this field (or combination of fields) must be unique across all rows of the table.


Some older <name> values are prefixed with UI_. You don't need to do this when adding a new index.


You can use multiple <fieldName> tags to produce a single index on multiple fields.

<table> / <primaryKey>

Tags acceptable within <table> / <primaryKey>

Tag Contains Example Acceptable
<name> text id 1 The name of the field to use for the primary key
<autoincrement> true/false 1 Not yet documented: why would I ever want this to be false?

<table> / <foreignKey>

Tags acceptable within <table> / <foreignKey>

Tag Contains Example Acceptable
<name> text contact_id 1 The name of the field in this table which stores the value of the field in the referenced table
<table> text civicrm_contact 1 The name of the referenced table, including the table prefix
<key> text id 1 The name of the field in referenced table to which we're pointing (almost always id)
<onDelete> text 0 or 1 Specifies what to do with this entity when the referenced entity is deleted. The behavior when this tag is omitted is not yet documented.

Acceptable values for <onDelete>:

  • SET NULL - set the value of the field in this table to NULL when the referenced entity is deleted
  • CASCADE - delete this entity when the referenced entity is deleted
  • RESTRICT - don't allow the referenced entity to be deleted unless this entity is first deleted

<table> / <dynamicForeignKey>

Tags acceptable within <table> / <dynamicForeignKey>

A dynamic foreign key can reference different tables depending on the value of a field in this table. For example, the Note entity can store notes which are associated with Contacts and also notes which are associated with Contributions and uses a dynamic foreign key to do so.

Tag Contains Example Acceptable
<idColumn> text entity_id 1 The name of the field in this table which stores the value of the primary key in the referenced table
<typeColumn> text entity_table 1 The name of the field in this table which stores the table name of the referenced table

Note that for SearchKit to expose joins via a dynamic foreign key, the field definition that typeColumn points to (e.g. entity_table) must include a pseudoconstant that provides a list of permitted table names. See EntityTag.xml for an example.

<table> / <paths>

Paths provide an URL for an action on an entity, such as view, edit or delete. They are currently used in SearchKit for the menu and links for each row.

Tags acceptable within <table> / <paths> are any Core Action in the form <action>URL</action>.

The content of the tag should be an URL, including the [id], with any & escaped to &amp;. For example:


Tags acceptable pretty much anywhere

Tag Contains Example Acceptable
<add> text 2.2 0 or 1 The CiviCRM version when this schema setting was added
<change> text 3.4 0 or 1 The CiviCRM version when this schema setting was changed
<modify> text 3.4 0 or 1 This appears to be an alias of <change> but perhaps is not a valid tag
<drop> text 4.1 0 or 1 The CiviCRM version when this schema setting was removed e.g.