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CiviCRM Entities

An "entity" in CiviCRM is a persistent object (typically a sql table), with the following properties:

  • A database table: In most cases, there is a 1-to-1 relationship between entities and tables.
  • Or other storage medium: Some entities are stored elsewhere, for example Afforms are stored as files.
  • Fields: Typically the columns of the database table, although extra fields (e.g. a read-only calculated value) are supported by APIv4.
  • An API: Most entities have a corresponding api for CRUD, metadata and other actions.



Every entity in CiviCRM is declared via either:

  1. An .entityType.php file loaded via entity-types-php mixin (recommended for most entities).
  2. Or hook_civicrm_entityTypes (advanced use, for dynamic or generated entities, e.g. ECK).

Note: at the lowest level, hook_civicrm_entityTypes is the only way for extensions to declare entities. But the extension mixin entity-types-php typically handles this automatically; it finds and loads all .entityType.php files and passes their contents to the hook. If you have an advanced use-case and need to implement hook_civicrm_entityTypes yourself, the data you pass to the hook will be an array in the same format as that of an .entityType.php file described below, keyed by the name of the entity, plus the extra key 'module` which must contain the full_name of your extension.


The entityType definition array can contain the following keys:

* Denotes a required value

  • 'name*' (string) - unique entity name, capitalized CamelCase (e.g. "SearchDisplay")
  • 'module*' (string) - name of extension declaring the entity (only required when using hook_civicrm_entityTypes, the mixin passes this automatically)
  • 'table' (string|null) - a SQL table name (e.g. "civicrm_search_display") (required for all entities with a sql table)
  • 'class' (string|null) - a PHP DAO class (e.g."CRM_Search_DAO_SearchDisplay") - used for backward compatibility when converting existing entities from xml/dao to entityType.php
  • 'getInfo' (callback():array) - Function returning entity metadata such as:
    • title (ts(string))
    • title_plural (ts(string))
    • description (ts(string))
    • log (boolean)
    • add (string)
    • icon (string)
    • label_field (string)
  • 'getPaths' (callback():array) - Function returning an array of zero or more paths, each keyed by the action that the path is used for. The most common actions are 'add', 'view', 'update' and 'delete'. Less common actions include 'browse', 'preview', 'copy' and 'detach'. Paths may include square-bracket tokens such as [id] or [price_set_id].
  • 'getIndices' (callback():array) - Function returning an array of sql indices.
  • 'getFields' (callback():array) - Function returning an array of field definitions, keyed by field name, with possible values:
    • title (ts(string))
    • description (ts(string))
    • sql_type (string) e.g 'int', 'int(10) unsigned', 'bigint', 'tinyint', 'varchar(30)', 'datetime', 'decimal', 'text'
    • input_type (string) one of:
      • ChainSelect
      • CheckBox
      • Date
      • Email
      • EntityRef (Autocomplete entity) see also specify entity_reference key below.
      • File
      • Hidden
      • Location (Address location)
      • Number may use the following input_attrs keys: step
      • Radio
      • RichTextEditor
      • Select
      • Select Date may use the following input_attrs keys: time date start_date_years end_date_years
      • Text may use the following input_attrs keys: text_length
      • TextArea may use the following input_attrs keys: note_rows note_columns
      • Url
    • data_type (string) One of the following.
      • Blob
      • Boolean
      • Date
      • Email
      • Enum
      • Float
      • Int
      • Link
      • Mediumblob
      • Money
      • String
      • Text
      • Time
      • Timestamp
    • required (boolean)
    • localizable (boolean)
    • serialize (int) One of the CRM_Core_DAO::SERIALIZE_* constants, with a preference towards CRM_Core_DAO::SERIALIZE_JSON
    • default (mixed)
    • usage (array)
    • input_attrs (array)
    • pseudoconstant (array) See old XML documentation for details
    • permission (array)
    • entity_reference for use with EntityRef type, has the following keys:
      • entity e.g. "Email" or "Contact"
      • key the field on the entity being referenced that matches this field’s value
      • on_delete (CASCADE or SET NULL).
  • 'fields_callback' (deprecated) (array[function($class, &$fields)]) list of callbacks to modify legacy DAO::fields
  • 'links_callback' (deprecated): (array[function($class, &$links)] list of callbacks to modify legacy DAO::getReferenceColumns

Pseudoconstant array

Pseudoconstant settings tell the code how to determine the valid options for the field value.

Shared option: prefetch bool. Should the options for these fields be pre-fetched for UI elements. This defaults to TRUE but can be set to FALSE where it is likely there will be many options.

The options must be specified by using one of the following three methodologies:

Using the civicrm_option_value table

With this methodology, the acceptable field values are taken from rows in the civicrm_option_value for a given OptionGroup.

Example use in a something.entityType.php file. Note that the keyColumn line could be omitted since the default is 'value' anyway.

return [
  'getInfo' => fn() => [
     'hat_colour_id' => [
       'title' => E::ts('Color of hat'),
       'pseudoconstant' => [
         'optionGroupName' => 'hat_color',
         'key_column' => 'value',

Using an arbitrary table

With this methodology, the acceptable field values are taken from key_column in table, with some extra settings that make it different from your typical foreign key.

  • table the name of the table to use
  • key_column as above, the name of the column that stores the value being referenced.
  • label_column the column that stores the human readable variant name.
  • name_column Optional. The column in the referenced table which contains a machine-readable name of the value.
  • condition Optional. Extra SQL to add in a WHERE clause that will further limit the possible options


return [
  'getInfo' => fn() => [
     'campaign_id' => [
       'title' => E::ts('Campaign'),
       'pseudoconstant' => [
         'table' => 'civicrm_campaign',
         'key_column' => 'id',
         'name_column' => 'iso_code',
         'label_column' => 'full_name',
         'condition' => 'parent_id IS NULL',


In some cases, key_column will reference a column containing integers and name_column will reference a column containing values like "Individual". Setting name_column in these cases allows us to use specify "Individual" when making API calls with the colon syntax, e.g.
->addWhere('campaign_id:name', '=', 'defund_billionaires')

Using a callback function

Take the acceptable field values from a PHP callback function.

return [
  'getInfo' => fn() => [
     'hat_colour' => [
       'title' => E::ts('Color of hat'),
       'pseudoconstant' => [
         'callback' => 'get_the_hat_colours',

Elsewhere, e.g. in yourextension.php

 * Callback providing options for hat_colour values.
function get_the_hat_colours(): array {
  return [
    // <value> => <label>
    'ff0000' => 'Red'
    'blue' => 'Blue'

Typically you might implement the function as a static public method on a class, in which case you would specify the callback value like CRM_OAuth_BAO_OAuthClient::getProviders