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Modify Token Context

CiviOffice dispatches an event that allows to modify the context that is used for token replacement. The event has the name civi.civioffice.tokenContext and is of type GenericHookEvent. It has the attributes entity_type and entity_id which specify the entity to create the document for. The token context is stored in the attribute context.

An example usage would be an entity that references a contact and tokens for this contact should be available in the template to render:

use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;

final class MyEntityCiviOfficeTokenSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface {

  * @inheritDoc
  public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array {
    return ['civi.civioffice.tokenContext' => 'onCiviOfficeTokenContext'];

  public function onCiviOfficeTokenContext(GenericHookEvent $event): void {
    if ('MyEntity' === $event->entity_type) {
      $event->context['contactId'] = $this->getContactId($event->entity_type, $event->entity_id);

  private function getContactId(string $entityType, int $entityId): int {
