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Active postprocessors are being checked for whether they are likely to be executed (skipping contribution-related checks, since there aren't any contributions at preview time). The contribution-related checks are being skipped (since there aren't any contributions at preview time). A preview for each to-be-executed postprocessor is shown in each suggestion inside a collapsed accordion element in the top-right corner of each suggestion. When collapsed, only the number of to-be-executed post processors is shown (e.g. "2 Post processors"). Expanding the accordion will place it below the suggestion markup and display whatever markup post processors are providing, or only their name, if they don't have a specific implementation for previewing.

After confirming a suggestion, the visualized result will include output generated by post processors that have been executed. This is dependent on the actual post processor and should explicitly state what has been done. For post processors not providing such specific output, a generic message is being shown, stating that the post processor might have been executed, since CiviBanking can not reliably know genericly whether a post processor has done anything.


This section is yet to be completed.

TODO: Describe generic configuration properties for required values, value propagation, automatic execution, etc.

Bank Accounts PostProcessor


This section is yet to be completed.

Update Address PostProcessor


This section is yet to be completed.

Membership Extension Postprocessor

You can extend a membership when a payment is recorded with CiviBanking or when a payment is set to completed by creating a Membership Extension post processor.

Configuration options

Below a list of the possible configuration options.

Option Possible Values Default Description
financial_type_ids list of ids 2 (Member Dues) Only extend a membership when the payment has this financial type
contribution_status_ids list of contribution status ids 1 (Completed) Only extend a membership when the payment has this status
payment_instrument_ids _list of payment instrument ids empty Only extend a membership when the payment is recorded with one of those payment instruments
payment_instrument_ids_exclude _list of payment instrument ids empty Only extend a membership when the payment is not recorded with one of those payment instruments
find_via_contact 1 / 0 1 Find a membership based on the contact of the payment
find_via_payment 1 / 0 1 Find a membership through the link between the payment and the membership. Only useful when you are updating existing contributions
find_via_btxfield empty or field name of membership id membership_id Find the membership by a field in the banking transaction. Only useful when other matchers/importers/post processors set a field in the banking transaction
filter_current 1 / 0 1 Only update a membership when it has a current status. You can set the class of status under Administer -> CiviMember -> Membership Status Rules
filter_minimum_amount empty or True or a monetary amount True Only extend a membership when the payment has the minimum amount of the membership type or when the payment has the minum amount specified here. You can also disable the check for minimum amount
filter_membership_types list of ids empty If set only extend memberships of this type
filter_max_end_date date 3 months Membership end date should not be after 3 months of contribution receive date
extend_by period or strtotime offset period When set to period the membership is extend by the membership type period definition. If set to a strtotime value (e.g. +1 month) it is extended by this value
extend_from min or end_date or payment_date min When set to payment_date the membership is extended from the contribution receive date. If set to end_date the membership is extended by the end date of the membership. If set to min then it is extended by the minmum value of end_date or payment_date
align_end_date next_last or last_last empty Not sure how this option works
create_if_not_found 1 / 0 0 Create a new membership when no membership is found
create_type_id id 1 When a new membership is created give it this membership type
create_start_date receive_date, next_first, last_first receive_date Not sure how this option works
create_source any text CiviBanking This is the value set to the source of the membership when a new one is created
link_as_payment 1 / 0 1 When set the contribution is linked to the membership

Example configuration

Below is an example configuration for this post processor.

  "financial_type_ids": [1],
  "contribution_status_ids": [2],
  "payment_instrument_ids": [],
  "payment_instrument_ids_exclude": [],
  "find_via_contact": 1,
  "find_via_payment": 1,
  "find_via_btxfield": "membership_id",
  "filter_current": 1,
  "filter_minimum_amount": 1,
  "filter_membership_types": [],
  "filter_max_end_date": "3 months",
  "extend_by": "period",
  "extend_from": "end_date",
  "link_as_payment": 0

MembershipPayment PostProcessor


This section is yet to be completed.

API PostProcessor


This section is yet to be completed.

Contact Deceased PostProcessor


This section is yet to be completed.

Recurring Contribution Fails PostProcessor


This section is yet to be completed.